#bifemsex+ and #bifemlounge

BiFem, Lesbian, and Feminist Links

Women of Undernet: Check here for a list of channels friendly towards bifems and lesbians, plus links to favorite sites and more! You can also subscribe to the Women of Undernet mailing list here.

Amazon Online: A resource for lesbian and bi women. Geared for the SF Bay Area, but also contains links to other sites of general interest to the bifem/lesbian community.

Lesbian Herstory Project: The Herstory project of Southern California celebrates the diversity, lives, and achievements of notable lesbians throughout history.

FGL: Girls n Girls: Based in Gay paris, this site celebrates the lesbian experience with a Gallic touch. In English and French.

Isle of Lesbos: Great site! Lesbian art, poetry and links...a must-see.

A History of Lesbian Unions: Did you know that there have been lesbian partnerships recorded throughout history? Get a glimpse of lesbian unions throughout history at this informative site.

Lesbian.org: The oldest and largest collection of lesbian-specific information on the internet!

Lesbian Mothers Support Society: Wonderful resource for lesbian mothers; includes tons of information on lesbian families, legal questions, resources. A must for newly out mothers, or those considering coming out.

The Lesbian/Gay Parenting HomePage: Wonderful resource for parents -- includes information on starting a family, marriage rights, coming out, resources and more.

The Secret Motherhood: Lesbians Parenting: The experiences of one lesbian mom. Well worth reading if you're a parent just coming out.

Mazer Home Page: Imagine yourself in a room surrounded by almost a century of lesbian artwork, manuscripts, books, records, newspapers, magazines, photographs, games, organizational papers, tapes, letters, scrapbooks, clothing, and flyers; sharing with other lesbians the excitement of rediscovering the lives and struggles of the women who have come before us; perhaps even catching glimpses of pieces of your own past. You have just imagined yourself at the June L. Mazer Lesbian Collection.

If you have a favorite link that belongs here,
please email me so we can include it in our next update.
This page last updated 11/19/96

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