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     Greetings and welcome to our family site.   My name is Aleks Campbell.  I'm 41 years old.  For years I have wondered about my family's origins.  My mother died at an early age, before I was able to find out much about her family's background.  It was safe to assume she was of another ethnicity than my father or that with which we children were accustomed.   Whenever she was with her sisters or her parents, she would go off in (what I used to think was) gibberish. Obviously, that "gibberish" was Polish.  Mother didn't want us to learn Polish because then we would know what they were talking about!  Makes sense, no?  LOL!  Yes, there was a method behind the madness!  I would have loved to have learned a second language from my mother, but this was all during the "pre-Roots" era, before the idea of ethnic pride really grabbed hold here in the U.S.A. 

      Recently, I was invited to my cousin Leon's home in the suburbs of Trenton, NJ.  Leon and I hadn't seen one another since 1968 when I was 8 and he was 19.  His wife (Lillian) is a very gracious hostess and it turned out to be a full-scale family re-union, with cousins and their spouses and kids and aunts and lots of great food and my brother and I didn't even get into a fist-fight!  LOL!.  What a fantastic time it turned out to be!  My sisters, who both live in Maryland, were sorely missed.

      A special "Thank-You!" is extended to my Aunt Emily for her generous donation of the photographs you'll see on these pages, as well as her gracious gift of time in explaining their meanings.  God bless you, Aunt Emily!
<== Madeline Krzyzanowski
(nee Walowski) 
b. 1904 - d. 3/4/1987
This was my grandmother, ca. 1920.  She is dressed in the fashion of a Suffragette.  This is part of a larger photograph which is posted on the following page.  My father once said Madeline was the closest he'd ever come to seeing the "true manifestation of unconditional love".  More on her as time permits.
Theodore Krzyzanowski ==>
b. 4/1/1894 - d. 8/6/1981
"Ted" was Madeline's husband, my maternal grandfather.  Here we see him dressed for work as a farrier (or horse shodder) when he was still young and single.  His skills in the horse trade would prove to be of good use with the U.S. Cavalry during WW I.  (n.b.:  The saw in his left hand and the file in his right.  The paddock or horse barn is in the background.)
This photo may have been taken behind the home of my grandmother's sister, Katherine.  It was not my grandparent's back yard, but due to the vernacular style of the transoms above the shuttered windows in the background, I am almost certain that this photo was taken in Trenton.  It appears to be the same structure that serves as the backdrop for one of the photos on the following page.
<== Madeline and Ted during WWI.
That's Ted  is in his Cavalry uniform.  Madeline worked as a seamstress making parachutes at Switlik of Trenton.  Switlik, founded by a fellow Polish immigrant in 1920,  is still in business!  Click here to view Switlik's "About Us" site.