<BGSOUND SRC="5youvego.mid" LOOP="infinite">

The BEATLES are my favorite rock band of all time.

I have all their albums on CD including the 2 'PAST MASTERS' ,

the 3 Anthologies and some other rarities [not shown here] .

Please Please Me With the Beatles A Hard Day's Night Beatles For Sale HELP ! Rubber Soul

REVOLVER Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The Beatles (White Album) Magical Mystery Tour Yellow Submarine Let It Be

My favorite album is 'Abbey Road'.

Abbey Road

'YOU'VE GOT TO HIDE YOUR LOVE AWAY' is one of my all time favorite songs . This song , from the movie 'HELP!' , is a song i related to as a young gay man . It sort of rings about the "love that dare not speak it's name" . The midi of it , which is playing , doesn't do it justice at all .

What is my favorite BEATLE movie ?

Help ! - poster

" Has nobody looked in the wash basin?"

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