Damian's coming out story

  • There was an out lesbian called Karina on the Landcare Environment Action Program which I completed in 1994. At the time I knew I had been born gay but hadn't told anyone. I was still in the closet. Karina sensed that I was gay & not out. We started talking & I felt I could trust her so I told her. Karina was the first person I told & today the friends I met through her & karina herself are the closest to me (apart from Tony).Unfortunately they are in Lismore and I am in Sydney!!.

  • Then came my family to tell about me being born gay. I told my brothers (two of them) when we were driving in mums car just us three. They at first said "Oh Yuck, your not GAY don't be rediculous" . But they kept a smile on their faces & after that they were fine to me. That night they told mum & she rang me up & said my brothers were upset & I had no right telling them such shit. But I told mum I had been born gay & have known it ever since I was old enough to know. A few days passed & they have been fantastic ever since. I'm very lucky they are all good about it & my brothers often throw in a little joke like: "Check these girls out!!, oh sorry you don't like girls do you Damian?". I think thats pretty cute.


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