Damian's Environment Story

Go to"Earthwatch".

  • I became environmentally aware from a course I completed called the L.E.A.P scheme. It stands for Landcare Environment Action Program and is run by Greening Australia, a government funded organisation. I got onto the course when I was on the dole after my HSC which I completed at Lismore High School. The program consisted of a group of nine of us including myself aged between 15 and 20 years. The program had us out planting native trees along local rivers and creeks which had been effected by erosion for six months. There was also theory work which consisted of forest walks, local aboriginal history and environmental studies.Check this site out:Go to"Earth Watch" And check out this protest site:Go to"RAINFOREST WATCH".
  • I can't wait to go back to all the planting sites where we planted trees on the leap program and see how they are all going.I miss the forests I always visited with Karina and others, but love my boyfriend and our home in Sydney.

  • We now have a great compost in our small but wonderfull backyard with plenty of worms which are the key ingredient to a good compost. Our council has a great recycling system so we have a paper & plastic recycling system in the kitchen which is always full come rubbish night.

  • please send us an email#[email protected]