Words of Wisdom

  • "Freedom is respecting each others differences."
  • "Heterosexuality is not normal just common. We are ALL normal."
  • Tribute to Nigeria
  • Ogoni! Ogoni!

    Ogoni is the land The people, Ogoni The agony of trees dying In ancestral farmlands streams polluted weeping Filth into murky rivers It is the poisoned air Coursing the luckless lungs of dying children Ogoni is the dream Breaking the looping chain Around the drooping neck of a shell-shocked land (Ken Saro-Wiwa)

    Check out this Nigerian site: Go to"Free Nigeria"

  • Tribute to Romania
  • If any of us were locked in a silent room, deprived of all
                   sensory reference, we should very soon become disoriented
                   and, finally, mad. We are dependent on one or another. No
                   matter how much we quarrel, we have to communicate to
                   survive. However, if we close all the doors, shut down all the
                   channels, build the walls of division even higher - walls of
                   race, colour, creed, language, tribal vendettas - then each
                   individual, each group will become a hostile island doomed
                   by its very isolation to a common destruction.
                                                - Morris West, author


  • "Do not fear the winds of Adversity. Remember: A kite rises against the wind rather than with it".


    "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows."


    "Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory."


    "Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together."


    "The key to happiness is having dreams...... The key to success is making dreams come true."

  • To laugh is to risk appearing the fool To weep is to risk appearing sentimental To reach out for another is to risk involvement To expose the feelings is to risk exposing yourself To place ideas & dreams before the crowd is to risk loss To love is to risk rejection To live is to risk dying To hope is to risk despair To try at all is to risk failure But risk we must Because the greatest risk at all is to risk nothing For those who risk nothing Do nothing, have nothing, are nothing

  • Why does it get dark?
               There is darkness so that there can be light.
    Why do people hate?
               People hate in order for them to know 
               what it feels like to love.  
    Why do things have to die?
               Death paves the way for life.
               Opposites attract each other to 
               maintain the balance & 
               harmony of nature.


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