"Chatter Box"

A comprehensive listing of the commonly used "chat phrases" and/or abbreviations that you might find online in the LGC and abroad.


LGC                         =     Lesbian & Gay Community
LGF                          =     Lesbian & Gay Forum
GLBT                       =     Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered

Chat Phrases:

LOL or lol                  =     Laughing Out Loud
ROFL or rofl              =     Rolling On Floor Laughing
<G> or <g>                =    Grin
<BG> or <bg>           =    Big Grin
<VBG> or <vbg>       =    Very Big Grin
<EG> or <eg>            =    Evil Grin
<BEG> or <beg>       =    Big Evil Grin
<VBEG> or <vbeg>  =    Very Big Evil Grin
<Wink> or <w>          =    Winking as a response to a comment
BRB or brb                 =    Be Right Back
BBL or bbl                  =    Be Back Later
WB or wb                   =    Welcome Back
OIC or oic                   =    Oh I see
CYA or cya                 =    See Ya Later

Symbols and Manners:

{{{{{  }}}}}                =    Hugging the person who's name is inserted in the brackets

TYPING IN CAPS    =   Typing in all CAPS within a chat room is considered rude.  Typing in all CAPS should be reserved for emphasis.  Please lower the CAPS when engaging in normal conversation once in the chatroom.