What's your name?

Whats your age?

Whats your sign?

What sex are you?

What is your sexual orientation?

(Ain't I a nosey bitch??)

What kind of music do you like?

  1. Hard Rock.
  2. Country Western.
  3. R&B.
  4. Classical.
  5. Alternative.
  6. Top 40/Pop.
  7. Music Sucks!
How long have you been on the internet?

  1. Huh? Where am I?
  2. 3 months.
  3. 6 months.
  4. 1 or more years.
  5. I sleep on the WWW.

Would refer anyone to visit my page?

  1. Yes.
  2. No.
  3. You must be joking!
  4. For a fee..

Would you return for a visit to my page?

  1. Yes.
  2. No.
  3. Yeah, right..
  4. Sure, to hack it!
  5. Not on your pathetic life!

What did you think about "aCe's Heavenly Asylum"?

What was your favorite area of my page?

Did my page stirr anything deep inside you?
Should I join more Webrings?
What do you think about aCe's clouds?

Any additional comments? (Here's your chance!)

Thanks for filling out my survey! The checks in the mail... Back to Survey #5,008,094