My Thoughts On A Hush-Hush Matter
. . . . Using Women's Restrooms

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Venturing Into Forbidden Territory

By Jill R. Ambrose

Using Public Restrooms Enfemme

What follows are my thoughts on tending to one of lifes' most basic needs, and accomplishing it with a minimum of hassle. I do not claim to be an expert, since I have only been out in public a little over four years, but I have been very observant since then, and have had the opportunity to use women's restrooms many times.

In general, when you are going out, go to the potty immediately before you leave home and try to limit your intake of fluids while out.

Fast Food Restaurants

Many fast food restaurants offer the opportunity to use their facilities, but look for those where the volume of traffic is light, and try to avoid those where large groups of children and teens congregate, such as homesteadonald's.

Except at peak food serving times, you should be able to go at almost any fast food location without sharing the bathroom with someone else.

A few good places include Hardee's, The Big Boy Chain, Carl's Jr., Kentucky Fried Chicken, Burger King, Arby's, Taco Bell and White Castle. I'm sure there are others, but my observations indicate that these places are usually safe and except at very busy times, any of the above would be a good choice.

Some, but not many fast food establishments provide a restroom which can be locked. It would not hurt to scout out a few locations in areas where you normally eat and shop.

Shopping Malls

Shopping malls can present a problem, but usually one can sit in the food court near the restrooms and watch for a time when the facility is not being used. Many malls have multiple restrooms and at least one of them will be in a low usage area.

Get Gas and then Relieve Yourself

Most gasoline service stations have a single person facility which can be accessed quite easily, even though many require a key. Simply ask for the key and use whichever door the key fits. Many businesses are going to a Unisex approach because of cost factors involved in providing separate facilities, which is good for all of us.

Discount Department Stores

Quite a few discount department stores, that are not located in a shopping mall, have restrooms which are open to the public and see minimal use.

High Traffic Locations

Some places with high traffic volumes, such as airports and bus stations, which at first glance one might tend to avoid, can be utilized, because most people there are in a hurry and are inclined to get in and out rather quickly.

Motel Chains

Another spot to consider would be any of the motel chains, which usually have public restrooms just off the lobby.

Almost any restaurant with patron seating would be a good candidate for a relief stop, as would most public libraries. Many churches which are open during the day have public facilities.

On The Road Again!

Most of the above suggestions also apply while traveling. My gut feeling would be to avoid truck stops, and be very careful when using the facilities in rest areas along the interstates.

Some General Advice

When the need arises to 'inspect the plumbing', it is generally best to head right for the restroom before making contact with anyone in the establishment, except in those cases where you need a key. The fewer people who have a chance to look you over, the better.

Act as if you belong there and walk right in without hesitation. If the restroom is crowded, you can always turn around and leave. If people come in while you are in a stall, simply wait until they leave.

Sit down if possible, and always remember to lower the seat and never stand facing the toilet. Do not linger in the powder room. If a situation arises where someone should challenge you, I would suggest an attitude of humility. Explain that you are only there to relieve yourself and hope that they will understand that it is more prudent to use the women's restroom dressed as you are. If they are still upset, apologize and leave quickly.

With experience in the real world, you will eventually acquire a knack of knowing where to go and those places to avoid. I hope that a few of my thoughts will be of assistance to you in the future.

For Emergency Use Only!

Last, but not least, carry a portable potty in your car for those times when nothing else seems feasible.

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