Meet Me In Toronto
. . . . at the IFGE Crossing Borders Conference
March 24 to March 29, 1998

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Venturing Beyond the US Border

By Jill R. Ambrose

A Trip to Canada

This page will be a work in progress and will be updated as events warrant, with the final story posted after I return from Toronto.

The Planning

For the better part of last year, I had planned on attending the Texas "T" Party this spring, but several things changed my plans.

One of the biggest factors was time. There is only so much vacation time to spread around and too many places to go. The second factor was money. I'm not saying that it's a big concern, but I've been known to pinch a penny now and then.

I imagine that it was fate that intervened. I have been on the email list of the Bluegrass Belles for some time now and just recently joined their support group. One of the posts mentioned a "Van" going to Toronto.

The Van

After some investigation and an exchange of email, I discovered that members of the group were going to 'van pool' to the IFGE Conference in Toronto, and that I would be welcome to tag along if that was what I wished.

Well, I did wish to go along, and my previous plans to attend the "T" party started going down the drain. After all, with 5 or 6 girls sharing expenses, the cost would be considerably less than flying to Texas, plus there is sure to be good fellowship along the way.

The Trip

Tenative plans called for the contingent to meet in Louisville Kentucky and stay over night to insure an early start on the 24th of March. The routing would be north on I-71 to I-75, with a brief stop in Cincinnati to pick me up and then the group would continue on toward Detroit, where we planned to cross the border into Canada ENFEMME. After what we hoped would be an uneventful crossing, we planned on using the QEW/401 to Toronto.

Enfemme in Canada

From all reports, Toronto is a very TG friendly place and I/we intend to test it to the limit. The scheduled activities include Theater outings to see "Phantom of the Opera" and the Toronto version of "Rent", plus a visit to the 'Famous People Players' Dinner Theater.

We are already fortified with a list of TG friendy establishments which will probably satisfy our shopping and socializing needs. I'm personally looking forward to the Toronto night life.

Jill in a Bikini?

Absolutely NOT, but the hotel has informed us that its' pool and workout areas are there for our use, and WELL, I recently purchased a bathing suit which I intend to put to use. If you have scanned my photo gallery, you kind of know what to expect.

The Rest of the Story

With six girls on the open highway, all travelling together for ten or eleven hours, I'm sure there will be plenty to write home about and you can bet that I'll record every worthwhile incident and report it in this space. Stay tuned.

Crossing Borders Conference

The Crossing Borders Conference is sponsored by IFGE and Xpressions. Online information can be accessed by clicking on the following link. Crossing Borders

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