My Poetry

All Poetry Contained Herein is Copyright © 1996-1997 by Jason Scott Bray Ingle

All rights reserved. No part of these writings may be used or reproduced in any manor whatsoever, either in part or in whole,
without the written permission of the author.

This first poem has been published by the Poetry Guild. I am proud of this one and all my works. This poem was written for someone that I held close to my heart. He was my inspiration. Love you Johnny.


The night has come and I am alone.
I think about you moment after moment
The night is silent without you.

The world is loud and busy.
The night has come again.
I have just left your side and found,
The night is lonely without you.

Although there are hundreds of people about
and the people are pushing and yelling,
I still can only think of you,
moment after moment it is only you.

The night is silent without you...
The night is lonely without you...

Jason Ingle © October 17, 1996


As I look at the reflection in the mirror I see a person
A person that I have no idea who they may be
I look closer to see if the eyes have any answer
But they just stare back at the person I see

As I look at the reflection I try to go deeper
I take everything into prospective but still nothing comes
As I look into the mirror at the reflection
I find that I am lost.

There is no escape from this reflection for I now know who this person is
It is the person for whom I know a lot about but still know nothing
I stare back making sure that I am seeing who I see
The person is looking back at me.

I can feel the eyes piercing
piercing deep into my soul
And then I find that person staring at me is no one that I know
I find that I am lost in this reflection

This person that I do not know scares me
Staring at me as If I have the answers
but I do not
All I know is that this person scares me

Why does this person scare me so
Is it because of the eyes that keep staring back at me
staring at my innermost soul
Why am I so terrified?

I see nothing but death and disease in this mirror
Maybe this is what is scaring me
not the person but what is inside
the carrier of life and death

But again why would I be so afraid
I am not afraid to die
Is it then that I am afraid to live
Living and dying are they not the same

Why be afraid of what is to come
Why be afraid of what is unknown
All I know is I am afraid of what I see in the mirror
and now I know that I am afraid of ME

Jason Ingle © 1997


I feel as if I were alone...
Never quite understanding the place I come from
Why am I here
Why are we here
Questions always brought forth but never answered

Why is it life is so complex
but living is just a day to day occurrence
Is death really a release from this loneliness
So many have said this, so many have tried

I have always wondered if the ones that tried succeed
I guess we will never know.
Do we escape this pain
When we cease to exist
Do we just go on living without the answer

How can we overcome this pain of loneliness
Is there a way
Someone has told me there is...
Taking drugs was their solution

I think about this over and over
and I see the effects it can have
then I see the death in their eyes
Is this how we stop the pain
Is this how we stop the loneliness

I have heard so many excuses
so many solutions
All this information useless
For I see the effects
I hunger for the answer

I feed on their solutions
but still I am hungry
and know I always will be
Searching and never finding

I have thought of their solutions
and have wanted to try
I have thought of their solutions
but never could I go that far
How can I see these solutions work,

I now see that I cannot
because really what is loneliness
It is only a state of the MIND
a state that CAN be ALTERED.

Jason Ingle © December 1996

Tears For You

I lie awake crying
crying but no one hears
crying but no one sees

Why am I crying
for there is nothing wrong with me.

I look about the faces
looking for some comfort.

seeing no one but you

You stand from afar
but I know you are near

I feel your prescence radiate
to calm my salty tears.

I could cry a river
or even cry a sea.

but nothing can stop me crying
unless you are close to me.

Jason Ingle © January 1997

My Apologies...

I extend my heart
for your forgiveness
I never meant to hurt you in anyway.

I need you to know of the truth
eventhough it hurts to say.

I need to say 'I'm Sorry'
for all the pain that I have caused.

I never meant for this to happen
I just pictured us as friends.

But the way you made me feel
I just had to tell you...

I will care for you always
through friendship and whatever.
But all I really want you to know is...

My apologies for my love.

Jason Ingle © January 1997

Picture Perfect

I lie here looking at the pic you sent
Your smile is so bright
Just wishing it was meant for me

I just lie here thinking
What is it about him
Is he that irresitable to me

I know him by sight
I know him by voice
But can never get close for it may be too much

I look in his eyes
And I see the peace
The peace that I seek

I could drowned in those eyes
In the pools before me
Be in them forever

I keep looking at him
The times we spent
Joking and being together as much as we could

How could anyone not love this man
I know I could

Looking again at him I see
His inner most loves and fears
How can this be...

How I can feel him
and hear him so clear
so close

I will never forget him
and I will never leave again.

Jason Ingle © January 1997

I hope these shed light on my views and how I relieve the pressures of life. Please email me with any comments or questions.

This page created on January 24, 1997.