More About Me

Next year I will be celebrating my 30th birthday. I am very afraid of that day. But I guess I'll survive.

I grew up in Wisconsin, with a move to Arkansas for a few years of High School and then to Seattle for a few months before finally moving back to Wisconsin. This is where I graduated from high school and later college-The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I have a BA in History..which prepared me for a career in the telecommunications industry-well maybe not-at least I finished and now am returning to College for a degree in MIS. I love computers and am always trying to find out as much as I can about them.

I like Wisconsin except for the 2 or 3 months of the year when it is way too cold. I look forward to the day when I and my significant other can spend our winters in a warmer climate(some day!)

This is a picture of me and my boyfriend & best friend Jayson. It was taken at Lake Mead in Nevada in May 1997. We have been together for 5 years now. We live together in a suburb of Milwaukee, WI.

CLICK HERE to visit my Swimwear Gallery I..
CLICK HERE to visit my Swimwear Gallery II..
CLICK HERE to visit my new Athletic Wear Gallery I..
CLICK HERE to visit my Athletic Wear gallery II..

E-mail me any pictures/comments/suggestions/links which would fit in with my homepage

� 1997 [email protected]

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