Welcome to Dave's World
Welcome from the eastside of Indianapolis, IN, USA.
The House
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I was happily partnered from January 10,1995, until my partner, Steve, passed away Saturday evening, July 24th, 1999.   Since that time, I  have taken ample time to mourn my loss and am now eagerly  on to a new chapter in my life. I'm a firm believer in living life while we have it. While I will never forget my wonderful partner, I won't dwell in the past or see myself merely as his survivor!
Here is a picture of the wildflower garden in front of my home in the spring of 1999.   Soon, I'll post new photos.  The purple phlox are almost all gone and now I have lots of white yarrow, pink primrose, daylilies, roses and other plants in the area.  Oh, yes and a birdfeeder and squirrel feeder (yearround).
This is the view of the wildflower garden in front of the home from my neighbor's.
One looking from my bedroom window to the garden behind the home.
Looking down the walk along the side of the garage headed toward the patio and koi pond.
1999 was the third year for the pond which had a small waterfall. The pond is about 4 1/2 feet deep and holds roughly 2,000 gallons of water. Unfortunately, it had its liner ripped by dogs last year, so the koi are gone and it needs work.  It's also amazing how much all of the plants surrounding the pond have grown!!  It is in it's own little refuge now and in the summer you can't even see past the pond..
This was looking from the far Northwest corner of the backyard toward the garden, garage, pond, and patio. As you can see, I also have a mini-barn.   The river birch on the left died, but the one on the right is now about 25' tall.
Me. This is a photo from February 2005.   I've gained a few pounds and need to get with the programl
More Information About Dave
I was born in Anderson, Indiana, and have been moving in small circles since, having lived in Pendleton, Elwood, Noblesville, and now Indianapolis. I graduated from Madison Heights High School and Anderson College in Anderson and earned an M.L.S. at the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University.
I have two offspring (a little too mature to call children), Christopher David, a Ph.D. grad from Brown University and now working in Beverly, MA.  Chris is married and they have one daughter.  My other "child," Rebecca Sue, received her Ph.D. from Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, is married and is expecting in Sept. 2005--Labor Day! Chris had been researching the soil composition of certain sites on Mars for the National Science Foundation and has written or co-authored several journal articles. Chris married Mary Matilla, of Maine, in July 1998--on my 50th birthday! Becca is a clincial rehabiltative psychologist. She was married to Jim Lancaster in July 2000, and they live in Indianapolis, after spending a year in San Diego while she did an internship.  They have just had an offer for a home accepted (June 2006), so are very excited about that..
I've been a Rotarian since 1977, starting at the Elwood (IN) club, then the Noblesville club (evening). I was president of that club from 1981-82 and helped co-sponsor the Noblesville Midday club in 1984. I joined the Midday club in 1985 and was president of it in 1993-94.

I'm an avid supporter of Rotary values and am working on my sixth Paul Harris Fellowship.
For the last 25+ years, I have been Library Director at Hamilton East Public Library (formerly known as the Noblesville-Southeastern Public Library), one of the fastest growing in the nation. We  just completed a $30 million expansion and rennovation of our two locations.  The library offers a web-based Z39.50 catalog and, for resident users, Information Access Corporation's SearchBank periodical index and database and several other online databases..
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Other Projects
Broadway United Methodist Church
Steve and I were active in promoting the revitalization of the neighborhood around Broadway United Methodist Church, Indianapolis. The goal was to make the neighborhood self-sufficient and a place where people want to live and have opportunities for growth and fulfillment. It's sponsored by the larger movement within the United Methodist Church and is beginning to show some very positive results.
I also served on the church board of directors and was chair before taking a "sabbatical."
If you are even thinking about a great religious experience in a warm, welcoming church in Indianapolis, visit the church's website by clicking this link Broadway United Methodist Church. Unfortunatly, due to the UMC's stand on gays, I have dropped out of church.
Steve and I moved to our home in October 1997. It was a gem in the rough, but is looking a lot better after we installed flower beds and a koi pond and wallpapered or repainted almost the entire interior..  Since his death, I've been steadily fixing up things like the roof, HVAC, repaved the driveway, redecorating, etc.
This is how the house looked right before move in--comare this with the photos above..
We were quite the travelers the last few years, having been to places like: Portland, OR; San Diego; Minneapolis-St. Paul; Memphis; Louisville; Birmingham; Ft. Myers Beach; Providence, RI; Chicago, and Las Vegas. I've been since to Waikiki with my daughter, Atlanta,  Seattle, Navarre Beach, FL; Nashville, back to San Diego,, Cincinnati many times (I have very good friends in the Queen City and am a member of Tri-State PrimeTimers), )Boston a couple of times, Toronto, and a few other places.  What would make travel more fun would be a partner to share it with.  I would love to travel to Europe, Asia and other places as well.
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Genealogy Section
I am an amateur family history buff, so watch these pages for information on my families. I currently use Family Tree Maker 2005. I've got about 3000 individuals in my history. Names include: Blake, Cooper, Clark, Ludlow, Reiickert, Schwartz, Hill, Fleeman, Paxton, Ralya, Russell, and many others. On Steve's side, I was working with Mount, Roberts, Curry, Whitis, Thomas, and others. I would would be glad to trade information with others on these lines.
Contact Information
Electronic mail address:  [email protected]
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Last revised: June 9, 2005.
There aren't many places that I like better than a beach, but then I'm open minded, too, and can be happy in lots of places.