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Though this list is not meant to be exhaustive, it is intended to provide the scholar or casual reader with a variety of available material for further study.

A Special Agent: Gay and Inside the FBI. Buttino, Frank; William Morrow and Company
Amazing Grace. Boyd, Malcolm, & Wilson, Nancy L., Eds.; Crossings
Beyond Acceptance: Parents of Lesbians and Gays Talk About Their Experiences. Griffin, Carolyn Welch, and Wirth, Marian J. & Arthur G.; St. Martin's Press.
Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out. Hutchins, Loraine, and Kaahumanu, Lani, Eds.; Alyson Press.
The Bible and Homosexuality (Fourth Edition). England, Michael E.; Chi Rho Press
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century. Boswell, John; The University of Chicago Press.
The Church and the Homosexual. McNeill, John J.; Sheed & Ward.
Coming Out of Shame: Transforming Gay and Lesbian Lives. Kaufan, Gershen, and Raphael, Lev; Doubleday.
Dirt, Greed & Sex: Sexual Ethics in the New Testament and their Implications for Today. Countryman, L. William; Fortress Press.
Gay/Lesbian Liberation: A Biblical Perspective. Edwards, George R.; The Pilgrim Press.
Gay Theology Without Apology. Comstock, Gary David; The Pilgrim Press.�
Holy Homosexuals: The Truth about Being Gay or Lesbian and Christian. Piazza, Michael S.; Sources of Hope Publishing House.
Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price. Blumenfeld, Warren J., Ed.; Beacon Press.
Homophobia and the Judeo Christian Tradition. Stemmler, Michael L. and Clark, J. Michael, Eds.; Monument Press.
Homosexuality: The Secret A Child Dare Not Tell. Cantwell, Mary Ann; Rafael Press.
Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition. Bailey, Derrick S.; Archon Books.
Is the Homosexual My Neighbor?. Scanzoni, Letha and Mollenkott, Virginia R.; Harper & Row.
Jesus Acted Up. Goss, Robert; Harper Collins Publishers.
Jonathan Loved David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times. Horner, Tom; The Westminster Press.
Living in Sin? A Bishop Rethinks Human Sexuality. Spong, John Shelby; Harper & Row.
The Lord Is My Shepherd and He Knows I'm Gay. Perry, Troy; Universal Fellowship Press.
Loving Someone Gay. Clark, Don; Celestial Arts.
The Moral Teaching of Paul: Selected Issues. Furnish, Victor Paul; Abingdon.
The New Testament and Homosexuality: Contextual Background for Contemporary Debate. Scroggs, Robin; Fortress Press.
Now That I'm Out, What Do I Do? Thoughts on Living Deliberately. McNaught, Brian; St. Martin's Press.
Now That You Know: What Every Parent Should Know About Homosexuality. Fairchild, Betty and Hayward, Nancy; Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich.
One More River To Cross: Black and Gay in America. Boykin, Keith; Anchor Books.
Our Sexuality (Fifth Edition). Crooks, Robert, and Baur, Karla; The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company.
Our Tribe: Queer Folks, God, Jesus and the Bible. Wilson, Nancy; Harper Collins Publishers.
Outstanding Lives: Profiles of Lesbian and Gay Men. Brelin, Christa, and Tyrkus, Michael J., Eds.; Visible Ink Press.
Passages of Pride: Lesbian and Gay Youth Come of Age. Chandler, Kurt; Alyson Press.
Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture. Spong, John Shelby; Harper & Row.
Sex Positive: A Gay Contribution to Sexual and Spiritual Union. Uhrig, Larry J.; Alyson Publications.
Stranger at the Gate: To be Gay and Christian in America. White, Mel; Simon & Schuster.
Taking a Chance on God. McNeill, John J.; Beacon Press.
Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis. Feinberg, Leslie; Beacon Press.
What The Bible Really Says About Homosexuality. Helminiak, Daniel A.; Alamo Square Press.

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