And the Band Played On

Some of the Best Music Around

This is a page dedicated to, in my opinion, the BEST music around! Always being updated as I recieve new information, it will include bands such as Duran Duran, The Cure, Depeche Mode, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and New Order. There will also be a spot featuring Gothic/Industrial bands and music. This page is in the working, and I will list my top 10 links for each of the bands above.


I love 80's bands. Duran Duran is my absolute favorite. There was no better time for music than 1985 in my mind, because that was, of course, the "great tour." Arena. Wow, what I would give to go see one of those concerts. As I am a child of the 80's, I missed out on all the great music and concerts. Now I'm waiting *patiently* for the release of Medazzaland. Delays, delays, delays. All I know is that hopefully the longer I have to wait, the better the album will be. In the Meantime, I have side projects (Neurotic Outsiders, John Taylor's Solo Album, Thanks 2 Frank, and something by Simon) to keep me happy.


Then there's the Cure. I actually got to see these guys on tour!! This summer, I saw the Cure at Nassau Collesium. Man, was that awesome. They played "Want," my favorite song off of the new album, "Wild Mood Swings." They also played "Egde of the Deep Green Sea" (from "Wish") which is my second fave on that album. AND "Boys Don't Cry!!!" I was SOOOO happy they played that! It was awesome.


Depeche Mode. What can I say about these guys? It started with a CD-Rom of MacFormat (� Future Publishing Ltd.) that had Depeche Mode GunShy on it. (To be posted later, I hope, with Brat's permission!) It included three sound clips, and I went out to hear DM. "Catching Up With Depeche Mode" hooked me. I started quoting them in English essays and now I'm hoping to see them on tour. Their new album Ultra was released on April 15th, with the first single Barrel of a Gun already being heard worldwide.


Weird Al! What can I say about this AWESOME dude? I saw him in concert on May 30th, 1996. And, I hung around and got his autograph. And I met Bermuda, awesome God of the Drums. (Bow to Bermuda!) The concert was the grandest experience I've ever had in my life. The costumes, the movie clips, the antics that Al pulled on stage (slashing his wrist, slithering around on a silk blanket) were a total trip. If you ever get a chance to see Al, I recommend it. He's on tour now, check Bermuda's page for tour dates remaining.


OK, I couldn't not put them here. New Order. My friend Shannon got me into them. I'm not really into them, but I like some of their music. Technique is a cool album. Of course, the truncated version of their story is as follows: Ian Curtis, Peter Hook, Stephen Morris, and Bernard Albrecht were Joy Division. Ian killed himself on May 18, 1980 (I'll check the date... that was off the top of my head- don't flame me for it!) and the band reformed with Gillian Gilbert on keyboards. They changed their name to New Order, and that was that. They are probably one of the best dance bands ever, in my eyes. Their songs, Blue Monday, True Faith, and Bizarre Love Triangle, will live on forever as dance music. (Yep, in those clubs that now play "polyester era music" you will be hearing New Order in 10 or 20 years.) Of course, NO is broken up again. Electronic, Monaco and possibly (?) the Other Two. They'll be back.

OK, so later there will be links, and REAL histories. Feedback is welcome. =)

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Last updated May 28, 1997