My Friends

Remember Me and Smile

This is about the people in my life who mean the most to me- the people I call my friends.

Yvette- Yvette is one very cool girl. She is currently 16, and lives in Bethpage, on Long Island. I've known her for a few years, but have only recently had the fortune of befriending her. She's there when I need her, and when I don't. The best thing about Yvette is that she can *always* make me smile or laugh, no matter how depressed or gloomy I feel. On a personal side, she's a metalhead (though I'm turning her towards the darkness of gothic music) with her favourite bands being Pantera and Metallica. She also listens to Marilyn Manson. Just as I worship the Tiger, she worships the Shark. Click here for a picture of Yvette!

Vanessa- Vanessa is another Long Island friend of mine. She lives in Massapequa, and is 17. She and I don't talk often, but whenever either one of us needs the other, we're there. That's the true test of a friend. Musically, she likes Savage Garden and Stabbing Westward. (Likes is an understatement. She obsesses. Drools.) I've known her for years, but like Yvette did not befriend her until recently. There are no online pictures of Vanessa yet... but hopefully I'll be able to collect some of her many different hair colours.

Shannon- There is nothing I can say about Shannon that would express the impact on my life that she has had. She's 16, and we were best friends for 3 or 4 years. Both of us went through some transformations, and we drifted apart. We still keep in touch, and see each other at school or at random places, but we are not close any more. I miss her, and I wish that things hadn't turned out the way that they did. But unfortunately, things unfold in strange ways. I will never forget her for as long as I have memories. If you want to learn about her tastes and such, you can visit her webpages (soon to be linked...).

Dan- This is an odd man, a fellow Long Islander and a fellow goth. I met him through an e-mail list that he, Ron, purp, and I are all on called NYC-Goth-L that connects net.goths who frequent the NYC area. Dan lives on Long Island, and he's 25 years old. His favourite band is Bauhaus, and he also avidly follows Diamanda Galas and the Cure. He is a psychologist, and he also used to work at IKEA. ;) He has a great girlfriend named Judy, who is one of the "three queens". Dan writes amazing poetry, and when I get the link, I'll put it up here for you to read. He and I go record shopping together, and he's the guy who used to drive me to Sanctuary so I didn't have to pay outrageous train fares. He also DJ'd at Sanctuary, and if I do say so myself is a very fine DJ! Pictures of Dan (scaaaary pictures!) will be added as I collect them.

Michael- And I thought I was obsessive and retentive! I'm a walk in the park as compared to this guy, and I think that's why we get along so well. We see each other about once a week, even though he lives in the village and I live on Long Island. He's 36 years old, and is steadily becoming a very important person in my life. He is part of a band called "Unto Ashes" that makes some of the best music I've heard in a long time. He is very much into astrology and will never fail to blame or link an occurrance by the moon's position in your chart. Musicly, he likes medieval stuff, and 80's synth stuff (Kraftwerk and Depeche Mode, as well as Gary Neuman). But he lives very much in the 18th or 17th century, not owning a TV, a set of measuring cups, or even a tea pot. Hopefully, some of that will change soon. *grin*

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