
Last Updated June 29, 1998

We're gonna ask you for money, but it won't hurt a bit!!

Here's a special offer you won't want to miss: To celebrate our first Birthday, we're offering subscriptions to Envoy at a special low rate. For a limited time, a one year subscription to Envoy is only $10.00. It's a great value.
AND...What better way is there to blow your own horn than to make a t-shirt?

Envoy could use a little financial boost, so I'm making another special offer. For a $10.00 donation, I'll send you a t-shirt with your choice of logo, FREE! You can choose a full (8 1/2 x 11) front or back design, or a smaller (4") design on a nice white Hanes t-shirt. That's a great deal! Sizes available from S-XXL. Be sure to tell me which design and size you like, and your t-shirt size. Send your check or money order to Envoy PO Box 1465 T-Shirt Offer Sioux City, IA 51101.

Help Wanted

Envoy is still looking for a few good people to help out. Basically, due to demands at work, I'm not going to have a life for a few weeks! I could really use help in the following areas:
DistributionAssemblyCollecting ads and payments
from advertising customersMailing listContacts for
information about events, groups, etc

Please give me a call to let me know how you'd like to help!

Heartland Pride Ring

Envoy has established a new webring dedicated to showcasing gay sites from Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota. Make connections, friends, network and get more hits on your site. Join the Heartland Pride Ring Today!

Envoy's First Birthday!

Envoy's 12th issue falls in with America's Birthday! We're celebrating bigtime! Be sure to catch a special offer in July's issue! Help us celebrate in style!


We want your coming out stories! Envoy will feature one coming out story each month in 1998. Send your coming out stories to Envoy PO Box 1465 Sioux City, IA 51102 or e-mail us at
Please try to limit your submission to 1500 words, and get them to us by the 20th of the month. Also, include a phone number or e-mail address so we can verify your story. Thanks, we hope to hear from you!

Where To Find Envoy

Pick up Envoy at any of these fine businesses: Uncle JohnBell, Book & Candle BookstoreMind and Body ConnectionFirst Unitarian ChurchPierce Street Coffee WorksRoadShow VideoPermanent SolutionsPhantasia

Wall of Remembrance

We are assisting Chili in her efforts to build a Wall of Remembrance at her website, remembering those gay youth we've lost to suicide. Chili is asking for everyone to send names and the date we lost them. It is not imperative that you send the full name; she will accept nicknames, or partial names. The important thing is to get something up that is visible, that will emphasize the urgent need to support and save our young people. If you knew someone that should be remembered on Chili's Wall of Remembrance, please e-mail us at, or mail to:

Envoy PO Box 1465 Sioux City, IA 51102

You can visit the Wall of Remembrance at ChiliD's Homepage

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