"Wrighting" to PJ


Got a story that you think belongs in this collection? (I'm dying to read it.)

Got a compliment? (I love 'em)

Got a suggestion? (I'm all ears)

Got a story idea you'd like to see handled in my own inimitable style? (I'm stuck for current inspiration . . . I'd sure love to hear some suggestions.)

Got a small minded gripe, a sleazy sexual come-on or a 'vent' about homo's, fags, and where I'm probably gonna spend the afterlife? (I couldn't care less, save your breath)

Except for the last category . . . all other e-mail (including story submissions) can be sent to an eagerly waiting "[email protected]"


(You can also use the nifty "E-Mail Me" function up there in the equally nifty GeoGuide banner at the top of the page. :)

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