Antoinettes Boudoir

Where only the special ones get to go

Home of the Leather Glamour Puss and Smooch Mistress
Daveena, the true love of my life

Thanks to my friend Daveena, who happens to be one of the most gorgeous "special girls" I've ever met for talking me into starting this kind of thing. I will miss her every second for the rest of my life. Honey I know you needed to get away from NY and hope that you will be very happy in California.
Now I get to lounge around here read trashy novels and eat Bon-Bons. No actually I won't do that, it leaves too many choclate fingerprints on certain people in certain areas *giggle*

Welcome to my friends and other curiosity seekers. If issues of sexual identity bother you I might suggest you leave now as there will be nothing of interest to you here. Now about me. I am a TV living in NY City yes I'm one of those rather "special or unique girls" you could say.. I've finally taken the time to put my homepage up here. Just in case you don't know I will make it very clearI do not date admirers, only other "special girls" and GGs. I'm using this oportunity to say hi to all my friends. Especially,Miss Vicki Renee The Dallas Wrecking Crew as I like to call them, Sarah, Kim and Tara, I love you girls Medea, Sheri(Va), Patty (NY). Hi darlings!!

I have been playing around with things a bit and learned some tricks so I can improve this site with as much information as I can for all the "special girls" out on the Net. I hope to provide some insight from my point of view on our preferances. Far too often we girls do this alone, and tend to keep it very private. We worry about what the neighbors, our families or our employers would do if they knew. Thats all very understandable and before we get into this whole pshycological thing lets just remember to keep everything in perspective. We simply cannot believe that most people would accept in 20 minutes what we have been doing since puberty. So time patience and understanding on both parts is very crucial. But rude people beware I have a very fiery Italian temper and you would hate to see me let it get out of hand

If you are adventurous touch
Marilynns Lip  Smooches

Antoinettes' Favorite Links

Michelles Mid Day Break
Northbound Leather
Crossdressers Official Homepage
Fredricks of Hollywood

My Dearest Friends

Vera Emm
Sheri (Va)
Miss Vicki Renee
Valerie Nichole
Denise Renee

I always love to hear comments or suggestions so please sign my guest book and let me know if you enjoyed yourself

Sign My Guestbook

You are visitor numberSince August 4, 1997
/homestead/westhollywood/6946/ANT36BKG.JPG /homestead/westhollywood/6946/toni5.gif
You can reach me by e-mail at: [email protected]

I just adore these little darlings and I'm in the process of adopting one

This page was created using Netscape 4.0 Composer and my own talents with alot of help from friends over a glass of wine and some really nice people who know much more about this kind of thing then I do. A very special thank you to Denise Renee for her graphics magic on some of the pictures.


Copyright 1997 Antoinette C. Smooch Mistress Enterprises

Last Updated 7/4/97

I love you Daveena forever and always