Jason's Rainbow World - Jason's Personal Info Page

Elements Aqua by Hugo Boss It's a "Elements" body spray and aftershave by Hugo Boss which keep me smelling cool. I have to travel to buy them, but it's certainly worth it, try it out for yourself, I am sure you will be surprised at the awesome scent.



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Brisbane's B105FM - 105.3

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Some Cool Favourites!

* Drink - Coca Cola or Jacaranda Fresh Iced Coffee (this brand of Iced Coffee is locally made, sorry guys, you'll have to believe me on this one!) It's just like a hot cup of coffee, only it's cold! ;-)

* Food - Any seafood, except mussels or oysters (I nearly threw up experimenting with them!) Slippery little suckers they are, yuck! ;-) I love food, so we'll stop right now before I go too far! ;-)

* Motor Vehicle - Choices, choices! I'm very open minded about my favourite motor vehicle but as Scot and I currently own a Honda, they're pretty popular with me, however I'm always open to new models and different brands.

* Clothing - I'm pretty much a standard dress kinda guy; a pair of blue jeans (or jean shorts), a t-shirt and my Colorado boots do me most of the time when I'm out and about. Of course, this doesn't include work, I have to look smart, or around the house, but who wants to talk that anyway! :-)

* Music - Elton John gives me so much inspiration, he's my musical hero! I love heaps of other stuff though, including the Pet Shop Boys, No Doubt, Madonna, Alanis Morissette, U2, Savage Garden, Jewel, and yes, even Abba! ;-) Scot has now got me listening to (and loving) Tori Amos, especially her Little Earthquakes album. :-)

* Television - My favourite drama program is Blue Heelers, closely followed by All Saints (Aussie drama's). I love Absolutely Fabulous if we're talking comedy, but there are so many comedy programs I love, such as Veronica's Closet, Ellen, 3rd Rock From The Sun, News Radio and Full Frontal. I've probably missed heaps more out, and I'm sorry to all the forgotten programs on my favourites list! :-) Some new shows which have just started due to the summer season over here which I love include Felicity and Dawson's Creek.

* Movies - There are too many great ones. I love The Sum Of Us, As Good As It Gets, The Object Of My Affection, Beautiful Thing, There's Something About Mary, I've gotta stop, there are too many good ones! :-)