CD Luver: Rants about Age

Would it matter if i was older? If i wasn't 15, if i was three years older, would it really make a difference in how you view me? or even how i view myself? Yes, true, those three years mean a lot. Yet even if i was 18, would you consider me an adult? Would crossing an imaginary line of time distance me from a childhood full of excuses made for me? would it make me see clearly, think clearly, act well?

What if i was 30, twice my present age, would that make me more wiser? Probably, but does that mean that i am not wise now? Because i am young, do not take it as an excuse to not respect me, to disregard my opinions, my thoughts, my feelings. do not take it to make excuses for me, my suppossed ignorance. Maturity is relative, my friend. And love knows no boundaries, thoughts, support, opinions, preferences, know no boundaries. Age least of all.

I have been mistaken for older, i've been called an old soul. I take both with smyles and grace. i am open-minded, and i Think . Not desipte my age or because of it. I am because i am. Wether i am 15 or 30. Us young'uns Know...

I know my preferences, my likes, my thoughts, and opinions. I'm young, yes, but i know them, and are of them fully. Some people never get that far in life to know. True, it may change in time, but for now, i know what i know, and feel what i feel, right now. Do not look down upon me for my age. I'm nothing to be afraid of. Don't worry. i don't bite ::smyles::

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