CD Lover: "I was a teen CD"
"I was a Teen CD"

Many teen cd's believe that they are the only one going through it. Even if they do know they are not, some believe their situation to be slightly different. Here is where we can say that there are people who do relate to you, and do know what you're going through and what you face. Straight from the source, and into your mind and hearts, who better to know than who has been here before?

These lovely people share their stories, answering questions such as when did they first dress, how did they get away with dressing during their teenage years, ways they acquired their own clothes, what risks did they take, if they shared it with anybody, among many other questions that could help you.

I leave you to it now, hoping you can get something out of their stories, and do enjoy them as well.

The only story here right now is of Keith/Kelley...

Greatest Holiday of Them All!

It was Halloween. Whoever came up with this holiday should have a planet named after them. It's the absolute PERFECT holiday for letting your true self come out and play amongst the population.

I think it was either my senior year in high school or the year after. You see, my memory can be very sketch and I am relying on other things I remember from that night to fill in the context. Anyways, there were two girls that helped me. One lived in a trailer park about a half mile from my house, which is where we were going trick or treating. I brought up the idea the same way I imagine most males would to their friends, not wanting to reveal their other sides: I brought it up as a joke. And like most (I say most, not all) women, the leapt at the chance to dress up a guy as a girl. One of them had just about everything i would need: Make-up, denim mini-skirt (she informed me that she actually had a leather one, but there was a big hole in it, and she couldn't find it, talk about a major downer), see through shirt, and her mother's pumps. Her mother also, of course was amused by the idea, and looking back, I remember that as one of the few times she let us in the house to prepare (usually, she was all for kids getting fresh air and staying OUT).

One item I needed... a bra. The weekend before Halloween, myself, and these two girls went to JC Penny's at the mall. I bought some fishnet stockines, which wasn't TOO embarrassing, cause it was with a bunch of Halloween stuff. But the bras were all by themselves, just screaming out, "We're for WOMEN! Beware of any man that comes near us!!" Or at least, that's what i thought.

The three of us, very casually, looked through the selections. The two girls decided upon the right size, picked it out, and carried it up to the counter for me, and bought it. I was breathing sighs of relief as the clerk put it into the bag, thinking to myself, "Self... I'm almost done here. Then I can go home and... "

Thats all i'm writing up for now, the rest will come in time, (if i can find that old email, oh no!)

Are you no longer a teen CD but wish to share your story? Please mail me or fill out the form below.