CrossDresser's Spouse's Links
CDSO Links

I'm never the be all end all for any information... i suggest these other sites as being ones that may help you along the way ... Melissa and Kath's Coffee Talk - OB#1
A great wonderful resource, humourous yet serious (a great combination). Articles are written for the newsletter "The Gender Blender" of the Tau Gamma chapter of Tri-Ess
TG Partners homepage
This is the self proclaimed home page for the wives and SO's of transgendered people. Very informative.

A very interesting article with many good points and different perspectives.
A Transgender's Wife's persepctive
a lovely touching story about a transgender's wife's dealing with the feeling of betrayal
Candy's Spouse Page
full of links and txt about the CDSO experience, a must see, it has Everything, ladies
If you have any other links you believe should be put here, contact me