Deo Gloria Family Church

General Announcements:

The services are usually led by Pastor Sue Welman, co-founder and ordained minister of UFMCC.

The music ministry is headed up by Petro Bezuidenhout who has been a faithful member of the congregation since its founding. She leads us into Praise - a time of joyous singing before the Lord, and Worship - a time of reverence and sincere searching for the presence of the Holy Spirit. Our music is charismatic in nature and people are encouraged to be spontaneous in their expression to the Lord (even as David danced). Petro is always searching for people to join her in this Sacrifice of Praise - bring your musical talents in service before the Lord.

Bible Study and Prayer:
We gather together in various Cell Churches throughout the greater Pretoria area at 19h00 to share with each other from the Word of God and to have informal discussions on our relation to the matters of the world around us. Here we encourage you to share with us also. As our members grow in their relationship with the Lord, we encourage them to study the Bible for themselves and to share any treasures they may find with us at this time. After the Bible study, we go over into our Prayer Ministry. Here we are led into the throne room of God to make our requests known and to give our God honour and glory. Either our pastor, or one of the Church Council Members will be present to pray with anyone who feels a need to have prayer for whatever reason. We believe that prayer is one of the foundations of the Church, so this time together is very special to us and we encourage you to join us. We don't expect anyone to be super-spiritual, just sincere.

HIV/Aids & Terminally Ill Ministry:
We offer personal and group support to peoples suffering from HIV/Aids or a terminal illness. We also reach out to those who are in relation to such people. In all cases, the strictest code of confidentiality is exercised. There is a support group meeting every Wednesday evening at a private residence.

Children's Ministry:
Every Sunday before the evening service, there is a Sunday School for the children which is led by a qualified teacher. They gather at 17h00 at the Church and are able to attend the service at 18h00 with their parents. There is also an opportunity for older children to undergo a course with the prospect of becoming church members. Parents do not have to be members of the church, nor have to attend in order for their children to be part of the Sunday School. In the spirit of our church, the Sunday School will be non-discriminatory in its dealings.

Bilingual Nature:
As far as possible we lend to our services a bilingual nature (English and Afrikaans). We attempt to carry this throughout the service, in the music sung, the sermon, etc.

Interdenominational Approach:
We recognise that the peoples attending our services come from a large variety of church-going backgrounds, from Catholic to extreme Charismatic. Therefore, although our orientation is charismatic, we hope that each individual have the freedom to express their service to God in her/his very own unique way. We also recognise that people's dogmatic view on matters differs, such as baptism - infant or adult? We attempt to accommodate all views, as can only be attempted within the Body of Christ - as for instance with regard to Baptism, we don't officially advocate either of the two options, that is left for the believer to decide.

Care of the Needy:
We have a number of people in our congregation who are struggling and need our help. As Christians we are commissioned to love our neighbour as ourselves. This is especially prevalent in our midst where our fellow congregants are suffering. We ask that you may assist us in any way you may see fit. We are in constant need of nonperishable foods. Donations of any kind are welcome and appreciated far more than you might ever realise.

Membership: We offer two types of Membership:
1) Full Membership: A full member would enter as fully as possible into the life of this Church (only). A full member would also give her/his tithes and offerings to this ministry, and not divide them between two or more churches. Full membership has certain advantages such as, for instance, the recognition and honour of serving on the Church Council, and to be considered as possible lay delegate for UFMCC, you would also have the right to vote at our annual Church Meetings. (Please note that if you already have membership at a church which you no longer attend, then Full membership might be a viable option for you. You do not have to apply to transfer your membership of your previous church for the sake of confidentiality. Simply sign the application for Full Membership.)
a) Active or Inactive: With regards to Full Membership, we further differentiate between Active and Inactive Members. An Active Member is one who is in good standing with the church as far as: registered attendance, identified financial support, definite service contribution and demonstrated interest and loyalty is concerned. Any member who does not exhibit such support for a period of six months, is placed on the list of Inactive Members. The rights of an Inactive Member will then revert to that of a Dual Member as set out below.
2) Dual Membership: A Dual Member is better defined as a Friend of the Church. This is someone who, for one reason or another, divides his/her time between two or more churches. They support the vision of this Congregation and wish to be involved with the work of this church, but still retain membership of another. They may however not serve on the Church Council, nor are they allowed to vote at the congregational meetings. They may also not be elected as a Lay Delegate for UFMCC.

We encourage and welcome all peoples to visit our congregation. We would appreciate it if you would complete a visitors form so that we may keep contact with you in the future and notify you of any exciting developments in the life of our congregation. We give you our word that all information is treated with the strictest confidentiality - we don't give out numbers and names to anybody other than those serving on the Church Council.

Change of Personal Details:
Has any of your personal detail first submitted to the church changed? If so, please ensure that the Church Secretary has your latest information so that we may update our database. All data is treated confidentially.

There is a suggestion box available at the back of the church. We would appreciate any input you may have to offer and we will give it our earnest attention. Please supply your name and contact number that we may notify you of the progress with regard to your suggestion. We can however not respond to anonymous notes.

The Church stands in the service of God's people, but without the support of those people, the church cannot exist to its full potential. We have quite a large number of monetary commitments every month and encourage every person to give, and do so joyfully. There are always envelopes available at the back of the church for the purpose of monetary donations and tithes. Please mark clearly whether your contribution must be considered as a tenth offering or for a specific fund. If you require a receipt from the treasurer, please also write your name on the envelope.

Should you wish to make a donation directly into our church banking account, the details are as follows:
Bank: Trust Bank
Branch: Pretorius Street
Branch Code: 500745
Account Type: Cheque
Account Number: 01006500079

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