Judgment of the Living

You have passed your judgments, I have felt your aflictions, I have wept, I have shed my blood from my blessed body, I have given my free will to the angels for the strength needed to survive and the will to be a fighter. They have answered and now I will persist to teach a new perspective and gain strength in the knowing.

So as you have prosecuted me for being me a free spirit, unconditional in his love, and not you someone who is afraid of what your neighbor thinks and puts all their conditions on your existance, you have also prosectuted the creator. The father of all life, my father... the living spirit. You have taken this spirit and showed creation just how brutal your beliefs are, and how the sins of the forefathers have been passed to their sons.

Now, this spirit will show you just what you have created. Alittle redneck angel, mind body and soul. The one and only, because there is only one of everything. We are all unigue and original, special in our own gifts and talents.

Angels in heaven rejoice and remember the one who came so long ago to set the path yet was condemed for preaching unconditional love and the sanctitiy of all life. He did not come here and realize himself for selfish, shallow, egotisticle or power plays or to be a statue on a alter. He came only to teach that when you come to this life through the essence of the spirit (conscious energy), you should come to the creator/the father with love (the energy to bring joy) and have no other above the living spirit in praise. NO idols, alters or products,statues of the living or the passed, but to revil in the uniqueness of life and praise the living spirit of the creator/father/the all of everything.. .. the space in-between.

Father "thank you for another breathe and the beginning of a new light", for all the love and oneness we share and all the joy i feel when i truly open to you my heart as a child. Daddie-O thank you for making me a redneck, who don't truly give a sh*t what the pope thinks, ";^), and to stay in your thoughts of love and oneness.

I could never figure out how a man 70/80 years old in a gown with a challice sitting on a thrown and a guy in another gown by his side could say that it was wrong for me or my friends in NY or SF or anywhere couldn't wear one also sit in a highback and drink from a waterford crystal goblet with his boy by his side, bit HIPPOCRITICAL to me. I don't like hippocrits. You think your better than me that you have a line to the DEVINE, well me and devine go way back. I and the Creator/Father are ONE, we are in constant contact however that doesn't make me any better than you unless I do it selflessly. To give freely and justly as i have been given my breath so have you. And so you have chosen your path, to put conditions on the creation. To rule over man like it was your house. That you have the only way to heaven, when truly it is you that have created this living HELL. To condemn the new born to a life of lies and fear and to never let it even have the chance at a truly spiritual existance. To set its first breathe of life under the harsh hand and to even cut away the very flesh of its body which was created perfectly for a purpose. "I personally am one and I PERSONALLY hold everyone responsible who came before me". The forefathers of 2000 years.

Now it's time for me to tell my truth, how and what was revealed to me through my own experience of that which is here, that which is there and that which is "the space in-between".

I come from the space "in-between", to heal that space on either side of me. If your looking for a new perspective of this thing called life join me on my path to a truly loving, joyfull look at what I believe really is a " NEW LIGHT ".


IF You think that everyone should be just like you a clone, shallow, selfish, egotisticle, hippocriticle, biggoted and competitive so that only the strong/rich should have the rights to personal freedoms. GO HERE http://www.queertheory.com/identities/straight/default.htm

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