Old Haunts

These are a few of my favorite places that I've visited. At some point, I'll have links to web pages for these cities included and maybe a discussion of why I like them, but for now you'll have to live with a list.

Boston, MA

Charleston, SC

Chicago, IL

New Orleans, LA

New York, NY

Savannah, GA

You may ask why I've included some of these cities in my list. Boston and New York are cities I visited often in my youth. I can navigate around them pretty well without any trouble. One thing I will not do, however, is drive in New York. The people are nuts. I always park outside the city and take the train in. I've onl visited Chicago once, but thoroughly enjoyed myself there and want to go back. There is so much to see and do. The same is true for New Orleans. I was there for my birthday last year, which also happened to coincide with Southern Decadence (a gay Mardi Gras for those who aren't familiar with it). I had a blast but didn't do much of the tourist stuff and need to hit that again. As for Charleston and Savannah, I've left them for last for a reason. These are two of my absolute favorite places to visit. They're both grand cities of the south with a refined character. I've been to each several times and find new things each time. Charleston was my first vacation after starting work and I've always said that if a job came up there, I'd go. The visit to Savannah was due to the book "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil". If you're going to Savannah, you MUST read this book.

Athens, Greece

London, England

paris, France

Venice, Italy

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This page last updated on: 11/03/97