For the first part of this year, I was working on a project which had me traveling back and forth between Baltimore and Eastern Arkansas. When traveling there, we flew into Memphis as it's the closest airport.

Since I had never been to the area before, I decided that I would make the trek and drive down one time. Since we were also working shift work on a six days on, six days off schedule, I would also have the opportunity to go to Dallas and Oklahoma City, adding two states to my list.

The first few pictures are ones I took in Memphis. They're mostly of the skyline, the Pyramid which is Memphis' arena, and the Beale Street area. I didn't really find a whole lot interesting in Memphis, especially since I'm not really into Elvis.

Once my shift was over, I drove down to Dallas. While driving down, I stopped in Hope, Arkansas and saw the childhood home of Bill Clinton. I did have some pictures of Hope and Dallas, but unfortunately, someone stole my camera 9along with most of my clothes) out of an IRC friend's truck while we were in a bar. He was gonna let me do my laundry at his place. Unfortunately, we wound up going shopping instead.

However, during that shopping trip, I did buy a new camera. He was kind enough to still want to hang around with me and I wasn't pissed off at all. I guess that's what happens when you live in a large city and your apartment's been broken into a couple of times. I did get to do some sightseeing in the area. The first thing we did was take a ride up to Stillwater, Oklahoma where Oklahoma State University is located. The real point of interest wasn't OSU, but a small, non-descript building on campus. You see, Stillwater is also the home of the Wrestling Hall of Fame. The building was so non-descript that I drove right past it because I was looking at the football stadium next door. There's a pic of the outside of the building, a wrestling statue inside, and the football stadium.

We went back into Oklahoma City so I could see the State Capitol House and a site of infamy. Once you see it, you will understand what I mean.

First, it amazed me that there were actually working oil derricks on the State Capitol grounds. Visiting the site of the Murrah Federal Building bombing was an experience I'll never forget. It may have been cold as hell, but I couldn't be in the city without stopping by. It was eerily quiet the day I was there, as it is most days. It almost seems time has stopped there. The tree is indeed the Survivor's Tree. It sits there eerily alone while building all around it are gone or have their glass blown out. If you're ever in the area, you must stop and see it. You really can't comprehend what was done until you've been there.

From there, it was back to Arkansas for the next shift. On the way, I stopped in Little Rock to take some pictures and to try and find Central High School. Central High School is famous for the troubles over integration. It's still an operating school so I couldn't go inside, but I was able to pass and give my respects.

Main Picture Page This page last updated on: 09/11/98