I should tell you this first I guess... My name is Bernardine (better known as Bernie). Actually I am a twin, and have a sister named Bernadette. ( know what sisters can be like *L*). I am 50+ (now closer to the + than 50) and love meeting and making new friends. Hey if you know of any 50+ lesbians that would want to make a good friend...point them in this direction.

I have a lot of INTERESTS
so maybe I can find some nice ones to talk about. My friend Shy@nne introduced me to the world of homepaging.

I enjoy music..have sung in many choirs & marched with a number of Canadian Drum Corps. My main music interests are classical and modern..*some nice* here are a few Cats In the Cradle , The Rose and All I Ask of You but I don't spend all my time listening to music.. you know. I ENJOY taking computer courses, long walks, my cats Squirt & Tiny ...singing with the EVM choir, travelling and I'm sure there are things I would learn to like, just given the chance..*smile*

I have worked in telecommunications in London, Ontario Canada.. but have made my move West... In the meantime feel free to check on my old city and let me know what you think...

My List of FRIENDS include.. Pamela aka Shy@nne(of course..*hugs*)Janice, Chris&Nancy;, Marcie, Linda, Sheila, Vicki&Robin;, Lorraine, Ann, Mary, Bernadette, Christina, Lourdes (Abra�os e beijos), Jazilda (Abra�os e beijos), Chevy, Rachel, Susie (shotgunsusie's domain), Daniel, Andrea, Anita, Bee, C&C;, Joan&Ann;, Henry&Diana;, Kathryn, Kirk, Mieke&Roxann;, Sam, Stephen, Sue and maybe... YOU?? In fact I have even met a few of my friends in person.

I do have a guestbook so if you would like to drop a line, pass a comment...feel free.
Thanks for taking the time to let me share a little of my life with you ..*smile*

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Recent update: May 27, 2000.