
I actually thought I was done with the sketch, but I offered a friend a chance to look at it, and she suggested that a lock of hair tumbling over one eye would be nicely sultry. This is also 'full size' so the detailed areas, like the eyes, look as good as they get. So here she is, ready to meet her Prince Charming!

Actually, at this point Xora gets kidnapped and dumped in a swamp, but the best laid plans . . and so on. To see how it turned out, and see the illustrations in context, you'll need to go here and follow the links to the hotter stories. This illustration is from "Xora 2: Dangerous Game", but I'd suggest you read the first Xora story, "Whose Body Is It, Anyway?", too.

Well, did this help? Are you ready to make your own illustrations now? Like I said (and have proven over and over), it doesn't take any real talent, just stubborn determination to work through the details.

If you'd like to let me know what you think, drop me a note.

[email protected]

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