Gene's Tribute Page

Gene's September 11 Tribute Page

Who knew one day could change our lives so drastically?
We must remember that regardless of our differences, we are American’s first and foremost. Whether we’re young or not so young, athletic or living with a disability, White, African American, Latino, Anglo, Asian, Native American, Middle Eastern, Gay, Straight, Catholic, Hindu, Baptist, Muslim, Jew, Mormon, Republican or Democrat, we must learn to love each other for our differences. We MUST celebrate the diversity that IS the United States of America.

I pray that those families that lost loved ones, at the World Trade Center in New York City, at the pentagon in Washington, DC and on Flight 93 that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, know that we all share their pain.
WE will get through this and emerge stronger than ever before.
God bless us all in the USA.

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"If I Knew"

This poem reminds me of what's really important and I read it each and every day as it is posted on the wall of my office.

Tribute to Mark Bingham - An American Hero

This page was created by Gene Brake
Last updated 05 February 2005
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