Gene'e Family Photo Album

Here are a few photos of me and family at play. Yes, I know what you're thinking...
"he started out such a cute little fella, what the hell happened"!

What can I say, mother nature has a cruel sense of humor.

Gene as a bouncing baby boy Was I a beautiful baby or what? From this early photo you can see that I already had an attitude, that according to my mother, has simply became more intense as I have aged.
Hmmmm, Love you mom, mean it.

A Family moment at Jennifer's wedding.This is a photo of (from l to r) my sister Mariann, my brother W.B. (we call him Butch), that's me on the right (what's the deal with the hair) and the matriarch of the clan, my mother Elizabeth.

The photo was taken at my daughter's wedding. My mother usually doesn't smile in photo's, but this was at the reception and she was really buzzed.

The old girl really slept well that night.

The 3 amigos invade New Orleans.Here are the three amigos, mom, myself and my sister in New Orleans Labor Day weekend 1997. I had been to the Big Easy several times, but it was the first trip for my mom and sister. Their eyes were really opened that weekend since it was Southern Decadence.

We just decided to drive on to New Orlean's after being in Lake Charles doing a little gambling and I didn't even realize it was Decadence weekend. I know, I know, just go ahead and take away my "queer card".

I did manage to get out on my own some that weekend. I just sent the girls to the Casino and I headed over to the party. They never missed me.

This is my first attempt at using basic HTML code, rather than an editor. Let me apologize now for any inadvertent insults to "real" webmasters, by my intial foray into your world.

This page was created by Gene Brake
Last updated 1 October 2001
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Gene'e Photo Album #2