Butch and Transgender Books

Transgender Warriors
Leslie Feinberg

Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue
Leslie Feinberg

Stone Butch Blues
Leslie Feinberg

Female Masculinity
Judith Halberstam

I'm reading this right now. Very, very academic and "heady", but also incredibly well-written and researched. If you can, really try to wade through this. I think it is a history making book. Sometimes, I just want to KISS Judith for saying some of the things she writes in this book! (And yes, in case you were wondering, she's very cute!) I can't wait to post a full review.

Dagger; On Butch Women
Roxxie (ed.), Lily Burana (ed.), Linnea Due (ed.)

Not quite as substantial as some of the other titles in this book list, mainly because it lacks a strong historical perspective. However, there are some great pictures in here, plus a couple of pieces that focus totally on FTM's. Definitely worth checking it out.

Transexual Workers: An Employer's Guide
Janis Walworth, MS

Review coming soon!

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