Hello, everyone ! I'm Dennis, and Jack and I truly thank you for stopping by ! I'm writing to let you know that all your dreams can come true ! I am living proof ! Don't ever doubt that Love and kindness are yours !!! I am 49 yrs. of age - the fourth child in a family of strict Catholics. I am now a recovering Catholic. I knew I was gay at the ripe old age of 4 - I would get erections watching Popeye ! My family didn't very much care for me, because I was awkward and clumsy and not very proficient in sports. Nobody knew I was legally blind. Consequently, I'd be struck in the face with unseen baseballs and laughed at for it. I was ridiculed relentlessly. I was the kid everyone made fun of - pushed down stairs, and the scapegoat of classmates and teachers alike. I was truly an ugly duckling, and reminded of it constantly. By the age of 13, I weighed 220 lbs. Finally, the torture of going to school was so horrific that I was taken out of public school, and had homebound tutors for a year and a half. When I was forced back into public school, the abuse escalated to an unbearable level. I know of six well-thought out attemts at suicide,which always failed for one reason or another. I didn't want to live anymore, and was even asked by my father to do us all a favor and just kill myself. I believed what I was told - that God didn't want me, my family didn't want me and nobody wanted to be my friend. I then went through all the self destructive ways to slowly kill myself with alcohol and anything that could kill the pain of life. I was anorexic, believing that if I were only thin, I would be loved. All I got was thin. Having gotten my GED diploma, I embarked towards college. I was determined to transform this ugly duckling into someone who counted. I was a rather good singer, which was my major, and I achieved a certain level of respect. I was fortunate enough to sing in recital, weddings,etc.,even though my family never came to see me. Gradually, I began to gain some confidence, and by the time I met Jack - at Gay-AA- I'd learned to like Dennis and allow the Light to shine through - scary as it was. Jack saved my life and I fell in love with him immediately! I was 28, and while I'd had my share of "lovers" in the past, Jack brought me a spiritual and physical paradise, the likes one can only dream of ! I've been SO happy for these 20 yrs. We've worked, played, and loved hard and the honest truth is that it keeps getting better and better. I never would have believed that I could love and be loved so profoundly ! What I'd like to tell anybody who might not feel very well about themselves is that if I can find the Love of my Life, so can you ! There are truly wonderful people in this world - and YOU are one of them !!!! I know I will always do my best to be your friend, so you must rest assured that you are loved unconditionally !!!!!! The only way to keep what we have is by giving it away !!!!! I truly love all of you !!!!!!!! Thanks for listening !
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