Jack's Story
Hello everyone this is Jack. I am Dennis's other half and he has really filled my life with such happiness as I have never seen before. I am not nearly the writer that he is so please bear with me as I make a stab at telling you a little about me and my past.

I am the oldest of three boys. I have no sisters. When I was in grade school I had a hard time making good grades and I really don't know exactly why. When I entered high school I made all A's and B's. When I was in grade one through eight I never did enter into sports with boys unless made to by my teachers. I just wasn't interested in sports. In my later teens I became very much interested in sports. When I entered high school it was the thing to do to date girls so I had dates with girls but really didn't enjoy it a bit. It was like going to some social function that you really didn't want to attend. High school is where I found a male friend and we actually got involved in true sexual activity. There were only two guys that I really had some sort of real sex with until I reached college. I never had any girl friends that I got involved with in a sexual way. I had straight male friends that I used to hang with a lot while in school and my Father always refered to them as "shit asses" when their name would be mentioned. Some were highly thought of boys from well-to-do families but they were still "shit asses." I guess my father and mother maybe suspected something, but I really don't know. I was owned and operated by my parents, spied upon, interrogated about all my activities, and verbally put down. I became a very unhappy person. This continued until well after college. I just couldn't stand it any longer and dropped all my friends and left town. I moved to Florida where I got a job working on a fishing boat. Suddenly it was if I had been released from hell and gone to heaven. I had "independence" for the first time in my life. I lived there for fifteen years fishing all over south Florida the Florida Keys, the Everglades and the Bahamas and loving every minute of it. I had many straight real good friends there and never told anyone I was gay, but I am sure some figured it out as I never dated any girls. I had quite a few gay friends so I was happy in that respect also. I never really fell in love there with anyone but seemed to be satisfied with good gay friends that I had.

After living there fifteen years my family asked me if I would consider moving back to Wilmington, N.C. and help run the family business. I said "yes",O MY GOD!!!!!!! I came back and immediately I became my parents owned and operated child again. HELL, HELL, HELL, HELL I could say it a million times, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT what in the world did I have in my mind when I said yes and moved back for! I didn't know it at the time but God was at work! It took a couple of years but I MET DENNIS. I was still in the closet mostly. We moved in together secretly for about a year until my parents walked in on us while we were opening our Christmas gifts on Christmas morning. I don't know how I lived through it. I came out of the closet and tons and tons of stress just poured out of me and my soul. My parents now try to be supportive to our face but we can tell that they don't like it worth a DAMN. Anyway, "I love them very very much!"

Dennis and I just get happier and happier! Life is a "joy."Death will not destroy our love for each other. I could go on and on with this but I am sure if you have gotten this far you're ready to scream. Thanks so much for visiting our website and if you would please sign our guestbook and or drop us an email. I promise we will respond.
Best Wishes and Happy Days,

P.S. This is Dennis again. Jack just allowed me to read his story, and knowing how modest he can be, I must rudely interject the fact that he was a BIG - TIME sports-fishing charterboat captain during his 15 yrs. in Florida, and often escorted many a "luminary" out to the deep sea. I live vicariously through Jack sometimes, and didn't want to be left out ! Jack is just like sex - - you can't keep a good man down !!!!

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