Welcome to Yolo PFLAG's Guestbook!

mark - 11/08/00 02:37:15
My URL:http://dhsgsa.cjb.net
My Email:[email protected]
From: davis

heya, just strolling around and i came upon your site. very nice, very nice. i'm the webmaster for the gay-straight alliance at davis high. rock on!

kat and mandy - 07/11/00 15:53:25
My Email:[email protected]
From: nc

hey over there! how happy i am to find a pflag chapter in yolo county. mandy and i are are an engaged couple who are moving to the area at the end of august/begining of september. we are looking for a rental property: a one bedroom on at least an acre. an way, please add this e-mail address to the newsletter address book? see you soon!

Michael - 01/27/00 22:50:30
My Email:[email protected]


D Tepfer - 11/07/99 23:14:28
My URL:http://www.activedayton.com/community/groups/PFLAG/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
From: Dayton, OH

Visiting your site for ideas. I am currently the webmaster for both the Dayton & the Cincinnati PFLAG (/pflagcinci)(email there at [email protected]) web sites. Keep up the good work!

Caitlin Phillips - 07/10/99 03:35:45
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~caitlinphillips
My Email:[email protected]
From: SF/Berkeley, CA

Hi there guys! I used to be on a PFLAG e-mail list a ~long~ time ago and occasionally surf around to the different chapter websites. You've got a great one going here! Take care and drop by my place sometime. Love and smiles, Caitlin @�@

Carmen - 05/20/99 00:35:30
My Email:[email protected]


Kelly Holmes - 05/03/99 19:01:33
My URL:http://dragon.kdi.com/~veruca/
My Email:[email protected]
From: Austin, TX

Hi, Bev! Thanks for dropping me a note...you've done a wonderful job on this page. :) Keep up the good work!

Pablo Stanfield - 04/13/99 00:50:01
My Email:[email protected]
From: Davis

I'm disapointed that you still do not list among the "Good Guys" the American Friends Service Committee, which has had an affirmative action category for sexual minorities for >15 years, started the first queer youth support program in Seattle in 1988, ha a queer-youth-oriented Peace & Justice Youth Outreach Project in Oakland right now and published one of the standard works on dealing with LGBTQ youth 10 years ago. Likewise, the unprogrammed Quakers, Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of F iends has passed several minutes over the last 20 years supportive of gay women and men. In 1994 they passed a minute affirming it is God's will to recognize lesbian and gay marriages, which they have been doing since about 1986, and to lobby the state t do so. If that's not support (and a loving response to some of our challenges), what is? If you want copies of the minutes, ask me.

Nancy Adams - 01/27/99 01:31:28
My Email:[email protected]

thanks for being here. great web page.

D. Pablo Stanfield H. - 01/10/99 16:24:48
My Email:[email protected]
From: Davis

Please add to your list of Good Guys: American Friends Service Committee (AA for GLBT since the 70's) Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) (minuted stands supporting GLBT, marrying =sex couples, advocating all rights including marriage since 1993) -- dps and Rob Roy

Bud the Dud - 01/09/99 18:01:45
My URL:/~dud1
My Email:[email protected]
From: Long Beach, CA.

Phil, the Community Leader for this block in castro, asked me to take a look at this page. I wish we could nominate your page(s) for some sort of award, for what you have done is make a great, easy to read and follow page. It is not over done with animate gifs, sound, links, rings and flashy backgrounds. It is how a site should be handled. Now this is only my opinion, but I thought I would let you know. Be well, Bud (Suburb Manager, castro)

Phil Benedict - 01/09/99 04:33:19
My URL:http://metrocities.net/westhollywood/stonewall/7857
My Email:[email protected]
From: Richardson, TX

As the Community Leader responsible for this block I am proud to visit your site. Great effort and nice page.

Orrin J. Olson - 11/21/98 06:53:42
My Email:[email protected]
From: Vacaville

Great looking site. It's great to see the linking of all the U.S. sites to see the resources/support that is out there. Keep up the good work!

Fred Harvey - 11/20/98 04:21:07
My Email:[email protected]
From: Woodland, CA

Great to have our own web page!

PFLAG Denton Cty Texas - 11/19/98 23:51:09
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/3722
My Email:[email protected]
From: Denton, Texas

Great site. We always appreciate all of those who fight for our children's rights. Come visit us in Texas as well. --The Webmaster

K.K. - 11/17/98 04:28:05
From: California

Good site

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