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More about me...

My name is Pat. I am a nurse in south Texas. I have four children, five grandchildren, one dog (Sasha), and one cat (Spot).
My children all call me "an over-grown teen-ager", but I just enjoy my life. My hobbies are: playing pool & darts, genealogy, and...
of course playing with my computer. I live an alternative lifestyle by choice, and that's kind of hard in the area that I live
in, but I have made a few friends here. I like alternative music, rock music. I like to party with friends...

I have taken some classes through Heartland University. They are very easy and I learned a lot. Here are the diplomas I have received for my effort...

My thoughts... I was on-line the other day, when my ICQ indicator popped up that I had an incoming message. I checked
the message, and it was a "random" message. This person was rude, judging, and inconsiderate. I feel that we should not judge
one another. Yes, I live an alternative lifestyle, but I don't flaunt it or try to push it off on someone else. Why can't people
just take one another for what they are inside? Just me, being me, for a moment, I guess...have a nice day!

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Here is where I am located, just look at the map and find Victoria...that is where I live...

Come back soon.

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� 1997 [email protected]

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