
to see more of my friends

These are some of the people that I am honored to call my friends. 


This is Joey.... the bad influence on me... just joking Joey!  Actually, he's turned out to be great friend to hang out with.  He cracks me up!


This is my friend Billy.  We met in the summer of 1998 and have kept in touch ever since.  Isn't he a cutie?  hubba hubba, don't you see a slight resemblance to Bruce Willis.  He lives in Birmingham, Alabama with his partner Terence (lucky guy!).


Aaaahhh Marty!  Originally from Phoenix and now Seattle resident, he has become a really good friend to me.  He's one of the nicest people to know.  He's a sign language intrepeter and you never know if he is talking about you or not. he he he


Westley always being the cute boy that he is!  Another sign language intrepreter to watch out for. :-).  He is going out with my best friend Trent and he is a very caring individual.  Watch out!  This boy can party!


This is Trent aka Trentissa Louise....  My best friend in the entire world.  He's been the best sister that guy could ever ask for :-).


This is Mark from Long Beach, CA.  We've been chatting online for the past year.  One day, we will be able to meet face to face.  He is a really sweet guy


This is Scott.  We have so many things in common and have the same outlook on life.  He's fantastic!  I  couldn't decide which picture was cuter so I decided to put both of them up.  Check out his webpage, it's pretty cool.  http://www.angelfire.com/wa/Scott67/index.html

Aaaaahhhh... Chris (left) and Becky posing for a picture.  I just love Chris because we can be bitchy towards each other in fun.  Becky is a bartender and one of the managers at the Timberline.  She has always been so sweet to me and I love her for that!


to see more of my friends