THE OBLIGATORY ART GALLERY, PART ONE(graphics-intensive - well, duh - art by Arne unless stated otherwise)

By me - scary, isn't it? Issue One, April, 1996.

It's a trannie alien.

Yes, the sexual pun is deliberate.

An image Mr. Norman Rockwell never got around to...

Yes, I and Arne are viciously attacking a defenseless fast-food chain...

This later appeared in the not-approved-by-Rudy-Giuliani NYC publication "Swallow Your Pride" too.

The first cover I did not do (visually) myself - thank you, Robert Moulds.

The first cover by Arne - the 36C tank-top was my idea.

From the very visual June, 1998 issue - will our sarcasm know no bounds?

Not too original - but cute.

One of our few concepts/drawings I didn't think worked too well. It required too much explanation. Tom=turkey; Tom=Tom of Finland. It's an attempt to make a turkey look muscular and masculine - perhaps doomed from the start - but thanks for trying, ya...

Sappy, sappy, sappy...the last issue before Arne revealed that he was interested in a more than professional relationship...of course, so was I...
