

Action Records UK, who helped me find a CD I have sought for many a moon

Aislers Set (I've often wondered about Amy, based on her haircut, but that's SOOOOOOOOO stereotypical... ;o) )

Alternative Tentacles Records

Jamie Anderson (queer)

Laurie Anderson

Apples in Stereo

Arco, the band

Azalia Snail

Patricia Barber, dyke singer/pianist

Belle and Sebastian

the B52s

Bird Man Sound in Ottawa (now an on-line store)

Bomp Records

Book of Love, now the Myrmidons (queer members)

Kate Bush

Captain Beefheart (certainly queer in the OTHER sense)

Johnny Cash

Rosanne Cash

Wendy Carlos(queer)

Chainsaw Records(queer)

Chicks on Speed


Cocteau Twins

Constellation Records (home of God Speed You Black Emperor, etc.)

Jayne County(queer)

The Creatures

Daemon Records

Dark Beloved Cloud

Dionysus Records

Dischord Records

Shelley Doty

Drag City Records

Drop Kick Murphys

Bob Dylan

Ember Swift(queer)

The Embrooks

Brian Eno


Estrus Records

The Fall

A piece on Fifth Column in Portugese (so you may want to use the Babelfish service in the miscellaneous section further up the page - actually, this is just part of a bigger project by Korn (a Brazilian queerpunk, not the band), as you'll see)(queer)

An interview by Scott with GB and Beverly from Fifth Column(queer)

Frances Francis, an artist mentioned in my guestbook whose music/history looks very interesting (yet to hear, though...)

Fuzzbox (a now-reunited, Eighties grrrl band)

G7 Welcoming Committee Records

Diamanda Galas

Lisa Gerrard (ex of Dead Can Dance)

God Is My Co-Pilot(queer)

God Speed You Black Emperor!

Golden Rod Music Distributors

Lesley Gore(queer)

Guided By Voices

Nina Hagen (though be skeptical about the article on AIDS, I beseech you)(queer)

Sarah Harmer (local artist)

Richard Hell (author/songwriter/punk icon)

The Housemartins

Jarboe (ex of the Swans)

Joan Jett(queer)

Daniel Johnston

K Records

Songs in the Key of Z site

Kiki and Herb (featuring drag/performance artist Justin Bond)

Kill Rock Stars


Cyndi Lauper

Lene Lovich


Kirsty MacColl (1959-2000)

Magnetic Fields(queer)

Manic Street Preachers

Matmos (queer electronic band - I know! So few! So VERY few!! ;o) (but most don't sound quite like THIS) )

Mecca Normal

Merge Records

Mint Records

Modern Lovers

Meredith Monk (queer)

Morrissey (queer)

Moth Wranglers(queer)

Mother West Records/Studios

Nash The Slash(queer)

Niagara (not the French band, but, rather, the American singer from DESTROY ALL MONSTERS and DARK CARNIVAL, who is also a painter)

Faith Nolan, Canadian feminist artist (queer)

Norton Records

The late Laura Nyro (1947-1997)(queer)

Yoko Ono

Pansy Division(queer)

Pehr Records

Pere Ubu and related projects

Utah Phillips, IWW/anarchist singer/songwriter/CuddleBear :)

Iggy Pop(queer)

Carole Pope(queer)



Projekt Records


Righteous Babe Records (known to harbour queers)

Rivulets (the band of Nathan from Pretty Bruises 'zine)


RuPaul (queer)

Savage Rose (A Danish Band)

Raymond Scott, electronic music pioneer

Scott Free(queer)

Scratch Records

Shaggs (official site, co-run by Dorothy Wiggin herself!!)

Sandie Shaw

Shonen Knife

Jane Siberry

Sigur Ros

Slumberland Records

The Smugglers (Canada's cautionary example rock stars)(one queer member)

Sonic Youth

Dusty Springfield(queer)


Suicide Squeeze Records

Sundazed Records


Talking Heads

Three Dollar Bill (Chicago queer punk rockin' types)

Thrill Jockey Records

Throwing Muses

TimmiKat Records(queer)

Tribe 8 (queer)

V For Vendetta

Vaginal Davis(queer)

Wampus Multimedia, who have released a super-spiffy Jonathan Richman tribute CD, 'If I Were A Richman'

X-Ray Spex

Yo Yo Recordings


Young God Records (home of Swans, Michael Gira, Calla, etc.)