

AK Press

Anansi Press

Piers Anthony

Margaret Atwood

Babelfish (an okay translator)

Clive Barker(queer)

The Bear In The Big Blue House (I'm so ashamed :) )

Dr. Gloria Brame (S/M author extraordinaire)(queer)

Perry Brass(queer)

If you feel you MUST know more about Bruce LaBruce, overrated porn director...(queer)

Buster Wilde,the cartoon (queer)

Patrick/ia Califia, S/M god/dess, recently fallen on illness :(

Captured Guys (queer, bondage)

Joe Clark (no, not the Canadian politician or nasty principal - a Toronto writer)(queer)

Rob Clarke, artist(queer)

ClaudeCub, opinionated furry genius :)(queer)

C. Bard Cole, NYC writer and cartoonist(queer)

ANOTHER, more updated Quentin Crisp source

Dan, The Queer Ska Librarian(queer)

Brian Deneke (a Texas punk killed by a yuppie and the Texas justice system over again)

DISTORTION, author Stephen Beachy's long delayed and much to be beloved second novel, and other related stuff

Drubskin, Queer Skin artist

Dutchbear's amateur Bear galleries (woof!) (queer)

Eckie, aka Bondagfan (queer, has a HUGE links page)

Info on Ruth Ellis, an African-American dyke (July, 1899 - October 5, 2000) who was one of my heroines and the subject of a marvelous documentary, "Living With Pride"(queer)

Evil Overlord (what to do if you become one)

Michael Thomas Ford, author (queer)

Gay Canada

Homoeroticon, gay horror comics

Huzbears, a page by and for Bear couples (queer)

Independent Media Centre

Kersplebedeb (purveyors of fine buttons, shirts, etc.)

Layman Press

Stella Marrs, artist/card designer

Mink Stole, actress

Michael Moore

Nifty Erotic Stories Archive(queer)

No Logo (in progress)

Jim Munroe's No Media Kings

Northbound Leather, a cool store in Toronto(queer-ish)

Outvoice, music stuff (queer)

Pas De Chance publishers (queer-ish)

My friend Paul's page(queer)

Pink Triangle Services, Ottawa queer organization

Queer Arts Organization

Rainbow Network, UK e-zine (queer)

John Rechy(queer)

Brian Jacques' Redwall series of books

Resources For Bears (queer)

JK Rowling

RUSTY IS A HOMOSEXUAL (a children's story you will simply have to read)

Skagen, Denmark (my sweetheart's birthplace)

Sockgagged (more bondage stuff)

Straight-acting (queer, satire)

This Hour Has Twenty-Two Minutes (Canadian satirical program)

Tomata Du Plenty, late queer artist

Lily Tomlin (queer)

Velvet Underground Discussion Forum

David Foster Wallace, author