
Strapped to the Poetry Chair

Verbiage Is The Enemy of the Venereal

Tim Murphy

I would call you my angel,

were you not so gendered -

were the wings on you

and not on my heart.


I would call you my baby,

were you not my elder -

were you that self-involved

and far more soft.


I would call you my sweet,

were I green to your taste -

were you not a full range

and all flavours divine.


I would call you no name,

were that not quite so awkward -

were we lovers in mind,

and alone in the world.


I would call forth more nouns,

were they not so exhausted -

were I not wanting verbs

that exhaust with delight.


I would call you much more,

were you not drawing nearer -

were you not on my mouth

and stopping this flow.


January, 1997

Comments: From the April, 1997 issue.  Anticipatory lust...

Pebbles Fill Veins

Tim Murphy

These arms'd take form

that's not yet theirs to take.

These lips'd press mouth

that may not say those words.


These eyes look for signs

that'll not be erected.

This chest against one

that is locked from my heart.


These desires exist

without a rich culture.

These desires disperse

like rocks in the sea.


These desires might intend

to break a stone heart.

These desires'd grow

like a tree through a stone.


These arms leave the form

that they wouldn't take to suffering.

These lips leave the mouth

that's mute to their call.


These eyes look away

to a mountainous plain.

This heart, against reason,

lets pebbles fill veins.


March, 1997

Comments: From the May, 1997 issue.  Anticipatory loss...

time machined

the stain

if I had the wherewithal to reach back

and reverse your temporal terror

I would get your love away from his father's bullet

if I could hold back time

I would hold you and dry your eyes


when he killed him he killed a part of you

and when I stand in your sweet vision

I see love cannibalized


and in my silent rage I await the day

we will avenge our brothers victimized


for man's love of man


August 16, 1993

Comments: From the July, 1997 issue.  A poem by someone I care(d) for...

Of All The Things I Remember of You

Tim Murphy

Of all the things I remember of you

(and, sadly, my recollection is perfect

of imperfection, and irony noted)

I think I shall most recall of all

the gentleness you would display

as you put your arms around my neck

and pressed into me from behind

and loved my nape with teeth and lips.


Of all the things I remember of you

(and I am a most economic lad,

so luxury's forgetting is no choice)

I think I shall most recall of you

the way your arms encircled me

and danced to music we two heard

a brutal, loving, driving melt

that rocked our world and gave us sleep.


Of all the things I remember of you

(and, gripping life by the shortness of heirs,

my memoirs start and end with me)

I think I shall most recall of all

the way your arms pushed my envelope

and sent me away with insufficience

but you are the male I would address

and you, my love, cannot stamp that out.


August, 1997


Comments: From the September, 1997 issue.  More anticipation, but sweetly achieved...though the sour is not neglected either...
