

To Laura Schlessinger, Doctor With Fangs

by Miss Ivy

Dr. (Radio Witch Doctor) Laura Schlessinger - why don't you save your drivel for someone who cares - yourself?

Bruce LaBruce (ed. note - oh, how I hate typing that name!), in one of his articles about L.A., called it an aging go-go girl. But he's wrong (and, bless his soul, I love him (ed. note - this is the opinion of the writer, and may not reflect that of the editor :) )) - it's the domain of the Wicked Witch of the West, Laura. You are downright evil as a boll-weevil (ed. note - oh, there was a lot more here - Miss Ivy doesn't spare her claws - but I thought it a touch cruel, even for Dr. Schlessinger's arguably deserving hide...let's just say it attacked her taste in clothing, suggested she had a huge ego, wasn't very interesting, and then some...). You, like all those narcissistic Hollywood types, have fake hair, teeth and tits, a tummy-tuck and plastic surgery (and, if you don't, I don't believe it) (ed. note - I have seen her on TV recently, and remember how she looked, and darned if I don't think Miss Ivy is right!).

You use the Bible's Deuteronomy and Leviticus on one hand and eugenics on the other. Furthermore, you insult the Bible by being unable to forgive and by not understanding the social context of the times of that book, nor the possibility of changes in translation over the course of thousands of years.

Your knowledge of genetics is worse than the eugenics movements in Europe and America in the early Twentieth Century. You should know better! Eugenics was a science that believed that only certain people should have children - sterilization and mass killings were used in some cases to enforce it. Look at Germany!

You are rich but still a loser, because I have things you don't. The dignity to avoid being part of trailer-trash talk-show culture, be it TV or radio, for mass public humiliation. The character not to profit at the expense of those millions struggling to come to terms with queerness.

Nevertheless, Paramount TV (UPN) should air your show - to show the world the arrogant, selfish, cruel creature that you are, and so you can make an ass of yourself in front of another sixty-seven million people.

(Ed. Note - oh, there was a lot more invective and nasty, personal stuff here, suggesting an age-related reason the bad Doctor wears panty-hose; proposing that a broom be sent to Laura for her transportation purposes; and so on - the bitchy side of my nature revels in this kind of material, but I think the arguments made within the article by the lovely but vicious Miss Ivy are strong enough on their own without name-calling...let me just conclude by saying that Miss Timothee agreed with enough of this to run it....though, really, Ivy - do you kiss your nephews and nieces with the mouth that spews such poison? ;o) )
