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A Tribute to
Diana, Princess of Wales

July 1, 1961 - August 31, 1997

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Notable timeline of Diana, Princess of Wales:
Born - July 1, 1961
Royal Wedding - July 27, 1981
The Divorce - July 1996
Death -  August 31, 1997


My personal thoughts:


Diana, Princess of Wales is a person that I have longed admired since watching the Royal Wedding.  She exuded beauty, poise, graciousness, and humility.  She had a heart of gold.  Her humanitarian efforts around the world to help the less fortunate was very heartwarming.  She was loved by the whole world because she was a person that most people could relate to on a personal level.   She went through the same problems that most of us have gone through.

Her death in a car crash along with Dodi Al Fayed shocked the entire world.  I remember where I was when I heard the news.  I was truly shocked at the news.  I was so surprised by how saddened I got upon hearing the news.  I didn't realize till just then on how much she had impacted my life.  I had looked up to her because of all that she had done.  She will be missed.  The People's Princess will always have a place in my heart. 


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