Welcome to my Guestbook!

Jean-Pierre - 10/17/00 16:21:50
My Email:[email protected]
Hy Chantal I readv all about you-I hope that you succedn your transformation-I love transgender womaniI feel good with this kind of woman-an I would like to known you more if you want-In the past 4 years I have a transgender woman in my life but she left to wiinipeg because she was unable to support the mind of his relations in montreal except me-I would like to write with you and see you if you want. JP excuse my english but I am french

- 08/08/00 12:37:31

- 07/12/00 11:02:10

Tanyar Thomas - 06/07/00 15:03:55
My Email:[email protected]

Joney - 06/02/00 18:54:44
My URL:/jdgcd/
My Email:[email protected]
You look great and have an awesome site. I will visit again and again. Hugs, Joney

Evon Patricia - 05/26/00 18:09:28
My Email:[email protected]
Wonderful biography. I am very similar as I have told you. Looking forward to knowing more. Love, Evon Patricia

janet mcfaul - 05/15/00 18:56:20
My Email:[email protected]
Chantal, great web pages. Love your candor hope the family begins to understand your feelings..I'm on HRT (estrace 3mg,200 spiro,5provera)since Oct '99. Divorced and came out to mom and brother this March. Full-time is coming in Fall of 2000.

Joney - 03/15/00 18:28:54
My URL:/westhollywood/Club/1807/
My Email:[email protected]
Nice web site. You go girl.

Karen Fox - 03/09/00 17:23:48
My URL:http://www.interlog.com/~lis/cd/Karen_Fox.html
My Email:[email protected]
As a fellow TG from Toronto, it's nice to come across your web site. I too have contemplated having SRS, but like you, have children, wife, and a job which slows things down.

Andrea Taylor - 03/04/00 01:20:50
My URL:/sissyandrea.rm/
My Email:[email protected]
Darling, You make a FA-BU-LUS femme! Love your style and candor. Quite refreshing to see such sincere personal statements on the web. Please take a look at my FAQ pages, I think you will appreciate them. Stay pretty and kisses, Andrea

monira - 01/20/00 20:10:04
My Email:monira35@USA>NET

SeanBenet - 12/03/99 07:08:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Seanbne/
My Email:[email protected]
I was just wandering around the web ring, and stopped by. I really like the new look here! The "Chez Chantal" banner is really beautiful!

A secret admirer - 11/05/99 04:44:30
I love you! I love you! I love you!

- 10/30/99 19:23:46

Steve - 08/26/99 23:29:59
My Email:[email protected]
I am married, enjoy encounters with pre and post op ts's,,,,iso feminine ts's that like 2 dress up and enjoy the company of a man,,,,,,, I'm 4 real and would like 2 know 'bout u,,,, [email protected]

SeanBen�t Mansfield - 08/26/99 01:37:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Seanbne/
My Email:[email protected]
Hello! Thank you for signing my guestbook. I haven't looked at your entire site yet, but I will!! I see that you have joined a few web rings. Would you like to join mine? It's called, "SeanBen�t's Dazzling Drag Queen Ring", Here's the direct link to it. http://members.tripod.com/Seanbne/ring.html XXO SeanBen�t

Joan Diamond - 07/21/99 13:56:07
My Email:[email protected]
This is my second visite to your page Chantal, And once again I am moved by pathos and the inner conflicts you endure. I share with you many of these feelings. I wish you well on your journey of self discovery. Love, Joan Diamond.

rebecca - 07/08/99 04:53:44
My Email:[email protected]
i am really pleased with your web page. i am truly greatful for you sharing the info on the herbs for feminization. i mailed of to transformation for triple mammary plus and feminuqe. i don't know if the are going to work but i may just go and by the vita ins that you have descibed. thank you, rebbeca

Roxanne Wade. - 04/24/99 17:17:10
My Email:[email protected]
I am TS also and am a good friend of Wanda's I am M2F and have been on HRT for 9 months. I am scheduled for SRS Sept. 21st of this year in Montreal, with Dr. Menard... I have added your site to my list of favorites and I hope to be able to follow you alone on your road to womenhood. Huggs,,, from.... Roxanne (one of the worlds smallest mysteries)

Sian-Louise - 04/23/99 23:20:56
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/5308
My Email:[email protected]
Hi, returning the kindness. Thansk for stopping by and signing the GB, E-mail failed me so thought I'd use this. I'd love to link with you and hope we can chat soonest. LOL Sian-Louise xxx

Janet - 04/22/99 14:40:41
My URL:/westhollywood/Cafe/4472/
My Email:[email protected]
See your post on Lif's A DRAGG. Nice pages.

SALLY - 04/03/99 02:14:26
Nice site, hon. I'm a male TG with an unsupporting wife. I wish you all the luck in your transistioning. I wish you had some pictures. I'm just dying to see what you look like. Love and kisses, Sally.

Carol - 03/13/99 02:57:21
Please contact Doctor F @ concentric.net Regarding Castration! It's an office procedure he Performs, and he has patients coming to him from foreign countries too!!

Joan Diamond - 03/12/99 14:28:02
My Email:[email protected]
Chantal, you have a great site, and you seem to be a lovely,sensitive and caring lady; attributes that I value very much in a person. How about a few pictures? I for one would love to see what you look like. Hugs, Joan.

ERIN - 03/12/99 12:44:32
My Email:[email protected]
Hi Chantal, I too am a TS. I have just started taking Black Cohash, Saw Palmetto and DHEA (also an anti-testosterone herb) I will be adding Vitex and Wild Yam root to my list. Hope I too have good results. Best to you Sis! Love, Erin!

Jamie Leann - 03/11/99 15:10:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/LadyWithin
My Email:[email protected]
My homepage is called THE LADY WITHIN cause I belieave there is a lady inside all of us. I kept Jamie locked away for 40 years and when i let her out I found out that she is a beautiful lady that I can be proud of...not the part of me that I was taught t be ashamed of. Visit ehen you get a chance....Jamie Leann....

ken - 03/11/99 05:36:53
My Email:[email protected]
I like your site. I got the url from a post in Draag, 10 march 1999. I have started taking herbals recently, but thanx to a quirk of genetics, that causes me to react strongly to medications, I have started to develop after a week. So hearing about you success with them is an added inspiration. Good luck with your goals!!

- 03/10/99 04:27:30

Diane - 01/29/99 17:43:32
My Email:[email protected]
Just to say sorry I got my e-mail address wrong when I signed into your guestbook earlier today! I am @netscape.net not com!

Petra Henderson from Germany - 01/29/99 11:50:37
My URL:/westhollywood/park/8308
My Email:[email protected]
Hello Chantal Marie,

I just looked at your site, linking in from DRAAG, and I think you have made a very promising start, both with your Webpage, and in identifying your personal needs and feelings.

There is no easy way to tell your spouse In fact I didn't and she found me sitting in one of her dresses in a pool of blood castrating myself, and that was over twenty years ago. She is still with me and despite strong resistance to my needs and direction, is very slowwwwwwwwly coming to accept that it is something inside me that I can neiter control nor explain and inevitable.

The only thing to do is to make yourself a timetable to work towards, even if you keep pushing out the actual milestones, it will make you feel happier to know th t you "plan" to say "live full-time", etc. when your youngest is over 18, or leaves home, etc.

I have put some of my wifes feelings about me on my home page and these reflect only the harsher side of our life, but she also is very supportive and to a certain extent understanding, so don't take anyone's advice (advice is like experimental-medicine, you don't know if it works until you try it!) as no one is married to, or knows your wife better than you!

Enjoy your life, and be as happy and ho efully guilt-free as you can be, it is far too short to worry about what others think.

Love and Kisses from Petra.

Diane - 01/29/99 07:51:04
My Email:[email protected]
I have had the same experiences as you , only for very much longer.I am now approaching 69 and will never have the courage/selfishness(?) to 'come out' as I have been married for 40 years, have a lovely daughter and two sons. I have no advice to give, oth r than to enjoy your female self whenever you can do so without hurting others.For me that means living two lives and knowing that I shall never be my true self.If you can bring your famil;y round to accept Chantel you have my admiration and most sincere nvy! Good luck. With love and hugs...

Bud - 01/28/99 15:54:04
My URL:/~dud1
My Email:[email protected]
Thank you for visiting my site and leaving a note in my Guest Book. As the suburb manager for westhollywood/castro, I appreciate that you have made the effort to make a nice page(s) for your home here in Geocities. So many defer to the GeoBuilder or once ign in, go no further. In doing your page from "scratch" you are learning far more that if you let someone else make your page or you do it by "dragging and dropping". Good luck. Bud

michelle knowles - 01/24/99 04:35:16
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/1316
My Email:[email protected]
Good start keep me informed on your updates

Bobbie - 01/17/99 13:53:23
My URL:/westhollywood/castro/2038
My Email:[email protected]
Hugs Dear, Loved your page. It is a very nices start, you have the hard part done. Getting it started. Would love to hear more about your expreiances with herbal hormones. Hugs Bobbie

Viola Claudine Rigl - 01/14/99 11:05:28
My URL:none yet i`m a dummie too
My Email:[email protected]
Hi there, just a few days ago everything in my sweet little male world was alright. Then i had a telephone dispute with my girlfriend. A light bulb went on over my head when i discovered that i lied at me over the last few years. the point is i want to be a woman, more than having a relationship with my girlfriend as lovers. i can`t believe i wrote this, but i really did. in a few weeks m going to start herbal therapy.For the last three days i was unstoppable i ve been in shoping rush, buying 2 dresses, make up and other stuff a woman can use in daily life. Good luck to you, ihope you get a clear decision. A big hug from Viola.

Chantal Lamont - 01/12/99 04:47:17
My URL:/westhollywood/castro/7874/
My Email:[email protected]
And the second!!

Chantal - 01/11/99 22:45:32
I may as well be the first!

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