Keep Your Lover Faithful Spell
    For this Spell you will need these ingredients:
  • two pink candles 
  • a bowl of spring or distilled water 
  • a seashell 

In the world of Magic there's an old saying that is a powerful spell in itself: You can't lose what is already yours. However, if you want to make sure that your other half doesn't stray too far from your loving arms, try this enchantment.

The best time to cast this Spell is on a Friday, at either 12 midday or 12 midnight, whichever suits you best.

Take a relaxing bath or shower and dry yourself thoroughly. remain undressed and go to your bedroom and place all the ingredients on a table or flat surface and then seat yourself facing your Love Alter. place the candles 30 cms(12 ins) apart and put the bowl of water and seashell between them. Light the candles and put the seashell into the water and, after clearing your mind of any negative thoughts, pick up the bowl and repeat these words:

'Oceana, Goddess of the seven seas, Keep my lover faithful to me-only me.'

Put the bowl back on the table and dab a little of the Magic water behind your ears and on your pulse points. Sprinkle some of the water around the bed you share with your lover. You could also offer to wash some of his clothes, and then put a few drops of the Magic water in the wash.

If you plan to be away at any time, make sure you throw a drop or two of Magic water around the front and back door of his and your home.