The Perfect Soulmate Spell
    For this Spell you will need these ingredients:
  • a clean white shirt or dress 
  • a box of golden glitter 
  • a wooden stick or pencil 

The best time to cast this Spell is on a clear night of a New Full Moon.

Begin by taking a bath or shower. Dress in your white clothes and, taking your box of gold glitter and wooden stick, go to a safe and secluded spot where you can easily look up at the stars in the sky. Find a bright star that appeals to you and take a few relaxing deep breaths to clear your mind of any stressful thoughts. Pick up your wooden stick, dip one end into the gold glitter and then raise the stick towards your chosen star while you repeat these words aloud:

'With these Magic words I begin my Spell. Hear me, O mystic star, Hear me well - Let your Magic light Send me the love of my life. The spell has been cast - So Be It.'

Your gold glitter is now Magically energised and you should sprinkle some near the front door of your home. You can even take some out with you on your next social occasion and quietly drop a little around here and there.