The Dreamcatcher Spell
    For this Spell you will need these ingredients:
  • a recording of your favorite love song 
  • some floral incense 
  • a bell 
  • a feather
  • a piece of red material

This Spell will help you visualise your soulmate. It is said that once you have dreamt of your true love, he will appear soon after.

The best time to cast this Spell is on the first Thursday evening of the month.

Collect your Spell ingredients and find a light airy space where you can be alone. Place all the ingredients on a flat surface or table. Play the love song and sit comfortably in front of your Love Alter. Light the incense and clear your mind of stressful thoughts by breathing deeply and evenly for a few minutes. When the song is finished, pick up the bell and ring it three times. Then pick the feather and wave it in the air near the incense smoke while you repeat this chant:

'Keeper of my dreams, Bring mr the wind My love to embrace me. Keeper of the night, Let me see my heart's delight.'

Wrap the feather up in the red material and, when you go to sleep that night, put it under your pillow.