The Toad Spell
    For this Spell you will need these ingredients:
  • a piece of cloth(one of his old shirts would be best) 
  • a big handful of sandy dirt 
  • a picture of your ex-boyfriend(or a drawing) 
  • a darning needle 
  • a piece of black thread 
  • some green paint or a green felt-tip pen 

If he's really done the dirty on you and run off with someone else, remember that in the larger scheme of thing's he's probally done you a favo. nevertheless, this Spell will help others find him just as repellant as you do. this is one of our favorite Spells and will prove to be the most effective if done at midnight on a Full Moon.

Collect your ingredients and find a safe place where you can be undisturbed. Lay the piece of material on a flat surface. Put the dirt on top, and then the picture of your ex. Gather up the sides and then take the needle and thread and sew the material into a sack shape.

Take the green paint or pen and, on the outside of the bag, draw the ugliest toad you can.

Leave it under the Moonlight for the whole night. In the morning, throw the lot into the garbage bin.