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Come sit a spell, make yourself at home and see what all I have for you !

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I am having a lot of fun working on this homepage

and am sharpening my skills almost daily and am finding out all sorts of "kewl" and fasinating sites while I'm at it!

Western Colorado/Eastern Utah WebRing
site is owned by Kento.

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I would love to hear from you and let me know how you like my page, so please sign my guest book. Your comments/feedback will help me to create and maintain a web-site that is fun,informative and helpful.

E-Mail Me....and let's trade ideas� 1998

Quote of the Week!

"Folks never understand the folks they hate."

-James Russell Lowell-

In the interest of time and space I have moved my pic,poems,My Philosophy Page on religion, on being gay, etc. My links to My friends, Colorado Information and Gay/Lesbian Support/Awareness Contacts to their own page. PLEASE take the time to check it out.

Check It OUT!! A collection of scenery and wildlife pics of Western Colorado!

!!!!PARENTS!!!!.....In the interests of helping you to keep track of where your kids are....the below listed sites are provided for you to check out to help YOU regulate where your kids are on the net so that we can all help keep the "Big Brother" out of regulating OUR lives.

Enter here for my Main Page!

Last Updated:10/18/99

This is where I got some of my graphics...a really KEWL site..drop by and check his work out!

Back-to-Back World Champs!!!

And a Member of Housernet!