I was on the beach taking in a Pacific Coast sun set when I was overcome by my femininity. As the sun turned fiery gold and red, it pushed it's long reaching rays through the clouds towards me. The sky was ablaze and surrounded me with warmth and care. As the sun started to lower into the sea, the cool evening enveloped the rays and surrounded them with shades of gray and blue. Then the stars came out and I sat their dreaming of myself walking the beach in an evening gown putting my feet at the waters edge. Dancing and singing to myself I walked along listening to the waves crash and roll. The moon came up over the bluff glowing a deep golden yellow and started to paint the edge of the sky with love.

Just then I saw one of my sister's walking towards me. We said hello and we started to walk together on the beach. Talking and laughing we visited for hours, after all we are just girls at heart enjoying what we had missed when we were young.

But then, all to soon, it was time to go.... Why does this have to end?... Can't we stay like we are right now, tonight? Must we go back to the real world where we hide our identities? The world is not very understanding of us, though there are many. They can't understand what they do not know. They judge through their prejudices leaving us lonely with no one to care for us but ourselves. Our tears fall on the flowers that cannot console us. When will it change?

Friendship is a precious thing to have. A person who loves, understands, and accepts us for who we are. When you find someone like this, draw them close to you. Let them know you love and treasure them.


After work I went home and sat down on the sofa to watch tv. The phone rang. I picked it up and it was one of my sisters. She wanted to know if we could go out to eat, then check out some of the sites in the city. I said I would love to and would pick her up at 7:00 pm. Now for the best part of all this..getting ready. First a bubble bath to relax and to shave my legs, face, and other areas on my body. After the bath I put on my favorite cologne, Rapture form Victoria's Secret. Carefully I put on my makeup. I love doing it! Then..what to wear? I decided on my gold lace dress. It's a little on the short side but not too short. First I put on my black lace panty hose. Black and gold can look great together. After putting on the rest of my underwear. I put on my dress. Almost there!

Then my wig..it is shoulder length. After brushing it out and styling the hair I was ready to go. Oh yea.. don't forget those sexy high heels. One look in the mirror and I knew who I was.

I picked up my sister and off we went for Italian food. My favorite is Fettecini Alfredo. Now I remember why it is hard to keep the pounds off. But eating Fettecini is an experience to be enjoyed very slowly. The sour dough bread was great along with the salad. The candle light was romantic. We talked about girl things. It is special to find a sister who shares the same feelings and thoughts. We never get enough time to talk or do our favorite things. Usually, we only think about it. After dinner we went downtown and rode the outside elevator to the top of the Fairmont Hotel. From there we could see most of the city. The bridge lights were on and through the fog they looked very misty and far away. The city often has fog and it is very romantic. It makes me want to curl up in front of the fire place and write stories or listen to music, maybe talk to a special friend. We sat down in the bar which has many windows to look out of. We got very quiet while looking at the city. Sometimes you get retrospective and content. At these times just sitting and not talking is very special. Just a look from my sister and I knew she and I were thinking how special our femininity was. I wish we could be this way all the time.

As you know already, It was time to go home. We all have to work because we are not millionaires. I hate taking off my outside femininity. It feels so good when it is on. We made a date for next time and I took my sister home. My cat was there to greet me when I got home. She is one of the few who know my secret identity. She never says anything but curls up in my lap and purrs. Cats are very perceptive creatures you know..


One night.. not too far away, Adelle & Deniece decided to dress up and go to a "Party". Being the sweeties they are, they asked Yolanda to join them. Yolanda had never been out and needed the company and support. Adelle and Deniece knew this so they wanted to take her along. Yolanda was a little shy but with special sisters like these she wanted to go too. Yolanda went shopping for something special to wear. She likes shopping for those special feminine delicate items. She once told me she should open a store that accommodates "en femme".

Finally that special day arrived and she drove down to LA, about six hours. Arriving at the home of Deniece, Yolanda went inside to meet her new sisters. It was going to take a while to get ready so they started early. You should hear those girls talking about all the special things that ladies do. But while outward appearance is special and important, what's inside is special too, because it is what's inside that makes a lady "en femme".

Finally it was time to go. As they came out of the house they were met with a sunset that drew their attention. The fiery dark red sun was shooting golden rays through the sky to meet the evening. As it went down, the stars held on to the rays as if they would not let them go. Slowly, ever so slowly, shades of blue/gray enveloped the light till it vanished. The three sisters stood there arm in arm watching the magnificent event. It was at that time something special happened. Almost instinctively they knew, and at the same time, a bonding had taken place between them. In response, a golden yellow moon came up to surround them with soft, warm light. On the way to the party they talked quietly about those special things that bring sisters together.

Arriving at the party, their excitement level rose to the point that they even giggled. They got out of the car and on the way in they complimented each other on their outfits. Soon the door was opened and they went inside.

Yolanda is sorry she can't finish the story yet, but she does not know the ending yet. Part two to follow soon.


Out in the woods where the trees meet the sky and the rays of of the sun filter down to the forest floor is a creek. The cold water runs over the rocks and bubbles making a soothing sound that relaxes all who go to sit by it.

It was here that I took one of my sisters for a couple of days for rest and relaxation. We spent hours by the creek with our feet in the cool water talking about those special things that draw out our femininty. Cool spring dresses with pretty colors were in fashion and worn by both.


They seek her here,
They seek her there,
Those dammm bar maids seek her everywhere.
Is she "en femme" or "crossed dressed"?
She is more pretty than all the rest.
So to those skinny babes who make us mad,
They'er missing all the fun we've ever had.
A full size babe they wished they could be,
Like Adelle and Yolanda, the feminine "we".


The night was stormy and rainy. The wind was blowing gale force winds and the ocean was angry and dark. My house, situated on the bluff was looking out over the storm. The electricity went out and I had to light candles and oil lamps. I started a fire in the fire place and soon I was cozy and warm. But I was lonely. I called my sister on the phone and asked her to come over to spend the evening with me. Remember to bring your nighty, I said to her.

When she got here she was soaked to the skin. I put her in a bubble bath to warm up. After the bath she put on a real sexy lounge gown. We sat down together by the fire to drink coffee and eat snacks. We talked for hours about girl stuff. When it was late we opened the hide-a-bed which is right in front of the fire place. We tucked our selves in and still talked for a while.

Next we.........and then..........fell fast asleep. The storm was still bad in the morning so we stayed home from work. Looking out the window at the ocean was special. Thank you for being with me I said to her. Your welcome she replied. We smiled and hugged.



Let me take you away to some place where we can be alone without anyone to distract us. A deserted island with a soft sandy beach where the rays gently warm us. You know that you are everything to me and I will love you for ever. Your eyes are beautiful and I love looking into them. Inside is that special person you are. Let me discover the mystery of you and what draws you to me.



I am so lonely and forlorn. Every minute of every day is a strugle just to keep going. Since you went away I am lost in a world without love. Come back to me and let's mend the broken pieces we scattered everywhere. I should have never let you go to begin with. You are a treasure and I let you slip away. Now I am so low in misery that it consumes me. Why didn't I see the worth when I had it? Come back to me and let's live our lives together and as we grow old I will treasure you as a fine wine that gets better with age. You were meant for me and I will never forget it.



I thought about you the other day while taking in a sunset. I wondered where you are and what you were doing. How I wish you could be with me watching the evening slowly filter over the pink rays of the setting sun. As the stars come out we could hold hands and cuddle to keep warm. As we talk I am already aware that soon you will leave again and I will be alone with only my thoughts of wanting you near me. Why must you leave? Let's walk on the beach until the sun rises then go out for breakfast. Better yet, let's find a way so we won't ever have to leave each other again. Two people in love should not be seperated by time, space, or obligations. So stay with me and don't leave. You are part of me and I am incomplete without you.
